30 April 2008



Health Protection Report Vol. 2 No. 17 (25th April 2008)


Delivering Every Child Matters in Secure Settings. A practical toolkit for improving the health and well being of young people (23rd April 2008)
The National Children's Bureau (NCB) has released a guide to improve the health and wellbeing of young prisoners. The guidance is part of NCB's Healthier Inside project, a five-year programme that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of young people in custody by supporting good practice. The document sets out the 27 health and wellbeing entitlements of children and young people in custody and suggests how work in this area can be made more effective.
Click here for the Toolkit


Revised guidance: primary care dental contracts advice on managing end of year issues (25th April 2008)
Guidance provided in January 2007 has been updated to reflect comments from the NHS and to clarify expectations for the end of the financial year. The guidance is now generic and does not relate to any one year in particular.
Click here for the Guidance


The National Service Framework (NSF) for Diabetes. Five Years on…are we half way there? (23rd April 2008)
In 2003, the National Service Framework (NSF) for Diabetes set out a vision for diabetes services in England to be delivered by 2013. Half way through the ten-year plan, the Diabetes UK report reviews the NHS's progress in achieving person-centred, co-ordinated care that aims to ensure fewer people develop diabetes and better care for those who have the condition.
Click here for the Report


Drugs and Young People - advice for co-ordinators running Mentoring and Befriending Projects (14th April 2008)
This has been produced by FRANK in partnership with the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation. This useful guide is an introduction to drugs and the issues affecting young people. It contains advice about talking about drugs with young people; drug facts, risks and the law; and what to do if there's a problem.
Click here for the Guidance


Green day: A climate change activity kit for schools (22nd April 2008)
Green day is a one-day event for schools about climate change, sustainability and the built environment. It is a fun and flexible way to integrate these themes into lessons and schoolwide activities and aims to make schools more sustainable in the long term. It is promoted by CABE, as part of its education work. This activity kit provides ideas, activities and resources for holding a green day in your school, making it a more sustainable place in which to work, play and learn.
Click here for the Document


Quality not Inequality - Age Concern’s vision for the future of quality social care (28th April 2008)
This document launches Age Concern’s new campaign, The Big Q. The campaign is calling for older people to be provided with high quality care that meets their individual needs.
Click here for the Report

Supporting older people in care homes at night (29th April 2008)

Although night-time care forms a significant part of care home provision, little research has focused on this. Night staff are a vulnerable group, receiving less training, supervision and support than day staff, but with high levels of responsibility. This report examines the perspectives of residents, relatives, staff and care home inspectors. It identifies areas of good and poor practice, and recommends ways to make improvements through a series of interventions.
Click here for the Report
Click here for the Findings


Improving Choice at End of Life - A descriptive analysis of the impact and costs of The Marie Curie Delivering Choice Programme in Lincolnshire (23rd April 2008)
This paper provides a descriptive analysis of the impact and costs of new services as part of the Marie Curie Delivering Choice Programme, which was launched in 2004. Delivery of care for patients at the end of their lives is becoming an increasing policy concern. Although the majority of people report that they would choose to die in their home, only a minority of patients achieve this wish. The Delivering Choice Programme aims to develop and help provide the best possible service for patients at the end of their lives.
Click here for the Paper

Improving Environments for Care at End of Life - Lessons from eight UK pilot programmes (23rd April)
In 2006 a pilot programme was launched in partnership with six NHS trusts, supported by their charities, and two Marie Curie Cancer Care hospices to improve Environments for Care at End of Life. The objective was to see whether the King’s Fund run Enhancing the Healing Environment (EHE) could be adapted to these sensitive health care environments. As a result of the pilot programme the Department of Health has funded an extension of the programme in a further 20 health care environments in England. This report shares the lessons learnt from this project.
Click here for the Report


Legally eHealth - Putting eHealth in its European Legal Context (April 2008)
This report seeks to examine some keys of the legal questions raised by the adoption of eHealth tools in healthcare. It looks at how EU legislation on data protection, product and services liability, and trade and competition law applies.
Click here for the Report

Joint Guidance on Protecting Electronic Patient Information (April 2008)

The British Medical Association (BMA) and NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) have produced joint guidance to advise health care staff on how to protect electronic patient information. The guidance outlines the responsibilities of both NHS Staff and NHS Organisations in protecting patient information.
Click here for the Guidance


Mental Health Act 2007 (Commencement No. 5 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2008 - guidance on transfers between places of safety (24th April 2008)
The Mental Health Act 2007 (Commencement No. 5 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2008 - S.I. No. 2008/800 (C.39) - brings section 44 of the Mental Health Act 2007 (the 2007 Act) on places of safety into effect on 30 April 2008. NHS bodies and local social services authorities will need to ensure that their staff are aware of the change and that it is reflected in local policies.
Click here for the Document


A Tale of Two Cities: Neighbourhood segregation by income in two urban case studies (28th April 2008)
It is now well understood that people living in deprived areas have poorer access to goods and services, frequently experience lower quality goods and services, and often have to pay more for these goods and services than those in better off areas. There is also evidence that living in an area of concentrated deprivation tends to exacerbate residents’ problems, compromising health, educational outcomes and employment. Different national, regional and local processes can lead to income segregation at the neighbourhood level. Policy and economic drivers interact with the processes of income segregation at different spatial scales. This research focuses on the processes at the local level. In particular, it explores the relationship between a neighbourhood’s income profile, and the housing market.
Click here for the Report


Integrating NHS Care: lessons from the frontline (25th April 2008)
This briefing paper reports on a series of seminars held at the Nuffield Trust in February and March 2008. To explore experience in the NHS in integrating care. The paper identifies the lessons to emerge from the examples presented at the seminars, and the implications for the NHS in the context of the Darzi review. The aim of this briefing is to suggest the practical steps that need to be taken to achieve closer integration of care on the ground.
Click here for the Briefing paper


Cardiovascular Disease: Consultation on the Draft Scope (23rd April 2008)
NICE was asked by the Department of Health to develop guidance on the prevention of cardiovascular disease at the population level. All registered stakeholders for the above public health programme guidance are invited to comment on the draft scope. Closing date for comments is 22nd May 2008.
Click here for the Draft Scope
Click here for the Comments Form

Psoriasis - adalimumab: final appraisal determination (25th April 2008)
This guidance was developed using the single technology appraisal (STA) process. Adalimumab is recommended as a treatment option for adults with plaque psoriasis for whom anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) treatment is being considered and when the following criteria are both met: The disease is severe as defined by a total Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) of 10 or more and a Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) of more than 10; and The psoriasis has not responded to standard systemic therapies including ciclosporin, methotrexate and PUVA (psoralen and long-wave ultraviolet radiation); or the person is intolerant of, or has a contraindication to, these treatments.
Click here for the Guidance

Implantation of miniature lens system for advanced age-related macular degeneration (interventional procedures consultation) (24th April 2008)

Age-related macular degeneration is an eye disorder affecting central vision that usually occurs in later life. The procedure involves removing the natural lens of the eye through a small incision at the front of the eye and implanting a combination of artificial lenses with the aim of helping to improve central vision. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence is examining implantation of miniature lens systems for advanced age-related macular degeneration and will publish guidance on its safety and efficacy to the NHS in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Institute's Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee has considered the available evidence and the views of Specialist Advisers, who are consultants with knowledge of the procedure. The Advisory Committee has made provisional recommendations about implantation of miniature lens systems for advanced age-related macular degeneration. Closing date for comments is 23rd May 2008.
Click here for the Consultation

Rheumatoid arthritis - adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab (sequential use): (appraisal consultation document) (29th April 2008)
The Department of Health and the Welsh Assembly Government have asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE or the Institute) to conduct a multiple technology appraisal of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis after the failure of a TNF-alpha inhibitor and provide guidance on their use to the NHS in England and Wales. The Appraisal Committee has had its first meeting to consider both the evidence submitted and the views put forward by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators, and by the clinical specialist and patient expert representatives nominated for this appraisal by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators. The Committee has developed preliminary recommendations on the use of adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis after the failure of a TNF-alpha inhibitor. Closing date for comments is 20th May 2008.
Click here for Consultation


Let’s talk about restraint: Rights, risks and responsibility (15th April 2008)
This new publication is aimed at nurses working with adults, with examples and case studies particularly geared towards the care of older people. It sets out what restraint is, the ethical and legal frameworks surrounding restraint, and the support and guidance nursing staff should expect their employers to provide. Distinctions are made, where appropriate, between the roles and responsibilities of registered nurses, nursing students and health care assistants. Nurses will find this publication of particular use in establishing the provision of patient-centred care that minimises the need for restraint. It will also help nurses' understanding of what to do if they suspect inappropriate or abusive use of restraint and to reduce the risks if restraint is used.
Click here for the Document

Lost in transition. Moving young people between child and adult health services (16th April 2008)
Children and young people experience many significant transition points between health care services, as well as those between schools, university and other educational settings. All these transitional phases can have an impact on adherence to therapeutic regimes and retention by supportive health care services. This publication is aimed at health professionals who work with children and young people and includes information on the principles of good practice in arranging transitions, keyworkers' roles in transition, young people's involvement and processes and protocols. There are also case studies throughout the publication, along with a list of RCN recommendations to make the transition for children and young people to adult services smoother.
Click here for the Document



Night Noise Guidelines (NNGL) for Europe - Final Implementation Report (29th April 2008)
Policies and legislations aiming at night noise control are often based on sleep disturbance in European countries. However, the impacts of noise-induced sleep disturbance on health, either short-term or long-term, have not been investigated comprehensively to support policy-makers. From June 2003 until December 2006, WHO Regional Office for Europe European Centre for Environment and Health (Bonn office) implemented the Night Noise Guideline (NNGL) project co-sponsored by the European Commission. The goal of the NNGL project was to provide expertise and scientific advice to the European Commission and its Member States in developing future legislations in the area of night noise exposure control and surveillance.
Click here for the Report

Evidence Briefing for Public Health Action (23rd April 2008)

This table identifies research evidence and guidance in support of the statements derived from Staying Healthy.
Click here for the Document


Guidance for R&D annual reports 2008 (23rd April 2008)
An annual report is required from all recipients of Transitional R&D Funding. This guidance will help organisations in receipt of Transitional R&D funding to write their annual report and improve the data returned. Completed reports should be submitted by noon Tuesday 1st July 2008.
Click here for the Guidance


Funding Tomorrow Today: Social Care for older people and vulnerable adults (23rd April 2008)
Social care funding must be fairer if provision of social care is to survive. This paper argues that the long term solution to society’s biggest problem – how to fund social care for older people – could be a minimum package of entitlement paid for through a new insurance system. A new system of a sensible level of care backed up by top-ups through social insurance and government support for the poorest would reward those who save, favour prevention over high cost ‘last resorts’ such as care homes and hand control of how money is spent to the users rather than the funders of care.
Click here for the Paper


Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly Update to December 2007 (28th April 2008)

Quarterly Reporting Results for Clostridium difficile Infections and MRSA Bacteraemia - April 2008 (24th April 2008)
Click here for Clostridium difficile quarterly in 65 years and over Jan 2006-Dec 2007

Click here for Clostridium difficile quarterly in 2-64 years April 2007-Dec 2007

Click here for Clostridium difficile annual Jan 2004-Dec 2006

Click here for MRSA bacteraemia quarterly Apr 2006-Dec 2007

Click here for MRSA bacteraemia 6 monthly Apr 2001-Dec 2007

Click here for MRSA bacteraemia annual Apr 2001-Dec 2007

Click here for Commentary for Clostridium difficile April 2008

Click here for Commentary for MRSA bacteraemia April 2008

Malaria (28th April 2008)
Click here for Imported malaria cases and deaths, UK 1897-2007

Click here for Imported malaria cases by reason for travel, UK 2003-2007

Click here for Imported malaria cases by species and region of travel, UK 2003-2007

Outcome indicators for children looked after: twelve months to 30 September 2007, England (24th April 2008)

Prescription Cost Analysis 2007 (29th April 20080
Click here for the Report
Click here for Glossary
Click here for Zipped Excel Format

Monthly Digest of Statistics - April (25th April 2008)

Key Population and Vital Statistics 2006 (24th April 2008)