12 November 2008


Review of alcohol-related harm in Wigan and Leigh, July 2008 (20th October 2008)
In order to fully understand the impacts of alcohol on the local area, Wigan Drug and Alcohol Action Team commissioned the Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University to conduct a review examining areas such as alcohol-related ill health and alcohol-related crime.

Reducing Alcohol Harm: health services in England for alcohol misuse (29th October 2008)

This report evaluates work by the Department of Health and the National Health Service to address the health effects of alcohol misuse. Alcohol-related ill-health is an increasing burden for the National Health Service. Alcohol misuse costs the health service in the order of £2.7 billion a year, but efforts to address it locally are not in general well-planned, the National Audit Office reported today. The Department of Health is however raising the profile of alcohol misuse by providing information and guidance to underpin local action, centred on encouraging PCTs to gauge their performance against the rate of alcohol-related hospital admissions.


Self-referral pilots to musculoskeletal physiotherapy and the implications for improving access to other AHP services (21st October 2008)
Report of work to explore the impact of opening up access to musculoskeletal physiotherapy through self-referral where it had not previously been part of usual service provision. The report also considers the implications for access to other allied health professions services. Findings highlight benefits to patients and services.

Framing the contribution of allied health professionals: delivering high-quality healthcare (21st October 2008)

Document to frame the Next Stage Review for allied health professionals and describe the improved AHP service offer to patients and the public.

Occupational therapy in adult social care in England: sustaining a high quality workforce for the future (21st October 2008)

This report is the result of partnership working between the Department of Health and the College of Occupational Therapists (COT). It was commissioned in 2007 in light of the Options for Excellence workforce review. It reflects the recognised need to build an occupational therapy social care workforce for the future by improving opportunities for student placements and supporting newly qualified staff. The report is a useful tool to promote dialogue locally. It proposes next steps to enable innovative solutions that support service transformation and deliver sustainable outcomes for service users and carers.


National Domestic Violence Delivery Plan - Annual Progress Report 2007/08 (31st October 2008)
Domestic Violence accounts for 16% of all reported violent incidents. It has more repeat victims than any other crime, with repeat victimisation accounting for 73% of all incidents of domestic violence with over one in four (27%) victims having been victimised three or more times.

National Specialised Commissioning Group (NSCG) - Annual Report 2007/08 (October 2008)
This is the first annual report of the NSCG. The report highlights each of the 10 Specialised Commissioning Groups (SCG’s) progress during 2007/08.

The State of the Drug Problem in Europe - Annual Report 2008 (7th November 2008)

This is the thirteenth annual report of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Tuberculosis in the UK: Annual report on tuberculosis surveillance in the UK 2008 (30th October 2008)

Tuberculosis (TB) figures released today by the Health Protection Agency show that the upward climb in numbers we have seen in recent years is beginning to stabilise but scientists are warning the figures are still too high. In total there were 8,417 cases of TB reported in the UK in 2007, this compares with 8,495 in 2006. This is a small decline of 0.9%. In 2000 there were 6,726 cases in the UK.
Annual Report


Code of Audit Practice 2008 - for local government bodies (20th October 2008)
The Code determines the nature, level and scope of local audit work and has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders. The Code will enable the Audit Commission to provide the assurances on proper stewardship and value for money in the use of resources which underpin the delivery of high quality services to the public. This is an amended edition, which replaces the Code first published in March 2005 by the Audit Commission for local authorities and the National Health Service in England.



ARTICLE - Variation in incidence of breast, lung and cervical cancer and malignant melanoma of skin by socioeconomic group in England (October 2008)
Cancer incidence varies by socioeconomic group and these variations have been linked with environmental and lifestyle factors, differences in access to health care and health seeking behaviour. Socioeconomic variations in cancer incidence by region and age are less clearly understood but they are crucial for targeting prevention measures and health care commissioning. National comparison of socioeconomic variations in cancer incidence by region and age can provide an unbiased basis for public health prevention and health commissioning. Decreasing inequalities in incidence requires the integration of information on risk factors, incidence and projected incidence but targeted public health interventions could help to reduce regional inequalities in incidence and reduce the future cancer burden.

New measures for the Manual for Cancer Services 2008 (7th November 2008)
This revised Manual of Cancer Services is an integral part of the NHS Cancer Plan, Cancer Reform Strategy and modernisation of cancer services. It will support quality assurance of cancer services and enable quality improvement.


Integrated Care Pilot Programme - prospectus launch (16th October 2008)
The Primary and Community Care Strategy announced that the Department would pilot new clinically-led models of integrated care. This prospectus invites innovative applications from clinicians, care professionals and managers. It sets out the scope of the programme and the process for selection.
Covering Letter
Evidence Base

Application form

Improving care in residential care homes: a literature review (29th October 2008)

This review examines the research evidence available to support improved care for older people in residential homes.


Drug Education: An entitlement for all - a report to the Government by the Advisory Group on Drug and Alcohol Education (October 2008)
Young people who drink alcohol or take illegal drugs can inflict serious damage on their own health and well-being, and wider negative impacts on their families and local community. Despite improvements in the past ten years, drug and alcohol education in schools, colleges and non-formal settings could be better. Following the analysis of the evidence, and using the knowledge and expertise of the Advisory Group, a series of recommendations have been put before the Government to act upon.

Government Response to the Advisory Group on Drug and Alcohol Education (October 2008)
This publication is the Government’s response to the recommendations made in the Advisory Group on Drug and Alcohol Education’s report. It lists the actions that the Government intends to carry out with regards to the Advisory Groups recommendations.


Are we there yet? Improving governance and resource management in children’s trusts (29th October 2008)
This report examined the progress local councils and their partners are making in developing children's trusts. The report concludes that the 'children's trusts' created by the government after the death of Victoria Climbie have been confused and confusing. Five years after the green paper Every Child Matters and eight years after the child's death, 'there is little evidence of better outcomes for children and young people' resulting from the requirement that local areas in England set up arrangements to coordinate children's services. A third of directors of children's services say that their partner organisations are 'unclear' of the purpose of children's trusts, and the uncertainty is hampering their efforts to deliver better services. However the study did find that progress has been made in bringing professionals together, but sometimes by navigating around the 'centrally-directed approach'. Local agreements worked better than external direction.
Self-assessment tool

Information sharing: Guidance for practitioners and managers (October 2008)
This guidance is for practitioners who provide services to children, young people and adults, who have to make decisions about sharing personal information on a case-by-case basis. It is also for managers and advisors who support these practitioners in their decision making and for others with responsibility for information governance.


Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: Commissioning weight management services for children and young people (7th November 2008)
This guide has been developed to support local areas in commissioning weight management services for children and young people. It is designed to reflect the move towards world class commissioning and joint commissioning of children’s services, and complements the existing suite of Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives publications. The guide includes an introduction setting out the wider context and additional plans to provide support to commissioners in this area, and 15 separate tools covering key steps in the commissioning process.

Commissioning IAPT for the whole community: improving access to psychological therapies (6th November 2008)
This document is intended to assist commissioners (including practice-based commissioners), to deliver Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services that are effective and appropriate for the whole community, using innovative ways of meeting the needs of local people. It is drawn from the work of the IAPT special interest groups (SIGs).

World Classing Commissioning and Audit Commission Auditors’ Local Evaluation (Use of Resources from 08/09) (5th November 2008)
This letter from Mark Britnel, Director General of Commissioning & System Management, and Andy McKeon, Managing Director of Health, Audit Commission, outlines how the Audit Commission Auditors’ Local Evaluation (Use of Resources from 08/09) will provide a basis to help PCTs develop under the World Class Commissioning assurance system.

Mental Health Act 2007 - briefing regarding children and young people (October 2008)

As of November 3 2008, PCT and children’s trust commissioners will need to be aware that they have a new legal duty under sections 39 and 140 of the Mental Health Act 2007 to inform the courts and local authorities where beds and facilities for under 18 year olds have been (or could be) commissioned. Children under the age of 16 should not be placed on adult wards at all by December 1.

Primary and Community Care Strategy Presentation (22nd October 2008)

The Department of Health set out its vision of primary care in a document published in July. NHS Next Stage Review, Our Vision for Primary and Community Care lays down a clear challenge to healthcare professionals and commissioners to deliver high-quality care at the point of need consistently and fairly. The document identifies development goals for the next 10 years, defining essential standards and describing a framework for delivering innovation and excellence. NHS PCC has developed a presentation that PCT commissioners can use to communicate the aims and objectives of the strategy locally. The presentation should assist PCTs in setting their own strategic priorities for primary and community care in line with national policy.
Accessing and using NICE commissioning tools - new tutorials (October 2008)
In response to feedback from users of the commissioning tools, NICE has published three tutorials to help commissioner understand how to use them, and how to get the best out of their use.


General Medical Council (Constitution) Order 2008 constitution report: October 2008: response to consultation (16th October 2008)
A summary response to the public constitution on the draft regulations; setting out proposals for the GMC (Constitution) Order 2008.
Original consultation

Nursing and Midwifery Council (Constitution) Order 2008: consultation report (21st October 2008)

A summary response to the public consultation on the draft regulations setting out proposals for the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Constitution) Order 2008.
Original consultation

General Chiropractic Council (Constitution) Order 2008: consultation report, October 2008 (30th October 2008)

Summary of response to the public consultation on the draft General Chiropractic Council (Constitution) Order 2008.
Impact assessment
Original consultation

The Medical Profession (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2008 consultation summary (11th November 2008)
This document sets out the outcome of a consultation to a number of changes to the 1983 Act, and to the 2003 Order. All amendments relate to the General Medical Council. Some also relate to the functions of the Privy Council and the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board.
Impact Assessment


Manual for Cancer Services 2008: Draft Children’s Measures - Consultation Version (3rd November 2008)
The purpose of this consultation is to make the new children's cancer measures clear and comprehensive to be added to the new revised Manual for Cancer Services 2008 (due to be published later this year) An Impact Assessment is not required for this document. However the National Institute for Clinical Health and Excellence has undertaken a full economic analysis on the national guidance on which this document is based. Closing date for comments is 30th January 2009.
Consultation Version

Consultation proforma
Equality Impact Assessment for the Ongoing Programme of Updates to the Manual

Safeguarding adults: a consultation on the review of the ‘No Secrets’ guidance (16th October 2008)

The Department of Health, the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice have launched the national consultation on the review of the No Secrets guidance. Minister for Care Services, Phil Hope MP said: 'This consultation paper is about learning. It is about how we as a society learn to empower people - both the public and the professionals - to identify risk and manage risk. It is about how we empower people to say no to abusive situations and criminal behaviour. It is about locating safeguarding in the wider agenda of choice and control. It is about recognising safeguarding as everyone's business. It is about identifying the tools we need for better safeguarding.' Closing date for comments 31st January 2009.
Consultation document
Easy-read version

Easy-read answer booklet
Impact assessment
Letter to all Directors of Social Services

Developing the Quality and Outcomes Framework: Proposals for a new, independent process (30th October 2008)

This is a public consultation document setting out proposals for how a new independent and transparent process for recommending Quality Outcome Framework (QOF) indicators led by NICE should work. The DH will publish the responses and publish a report on how the consultation process influenced the development of policy. Closing date for comments is 2nd February 2009.
Consultation document
Impact Assessment

End of Life Care Strategy: Quality Markers Consultation (7th November 2008)

The Department of Health has launched a consultation on Quality Markers for End of Life Care, as promised in the End of Life Care Strategy published in July. This document has been developed with help from the SHA Pathway Chairs for the NHS Next Stage Review, who identified the need for a national approach in order to raise the quality of care for people at the end of life. The document is aimed at commissioners, performance managers and providers of end of life care services, from the NHS, voluntary and independent sectors. Closing date for comments is 6th February 2009.
Equality monitoring form

Draft guidance on NHS patients who wish to pay for additional private care (4th November 2008)
This draft guidance for consultation is in response to Prof Mike Richards’ review into the consequences of additional private drugs for NHS care. Closing date for comments is 27th January 2008.
Equality Impact Assessment


Department of Health resource accounts 2007-08 (17th October 2008)
These accounts consolidate the financial information within the Departmental Accounting Boundary which includes the parent Department of Health (DH), Purchasing and Supply Agency, and other NHS bodies funded directly by the Department. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, NHS Trusts and the Department’s Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies are excluded from the consolidation. NHS Trusts and those Special Health Authorities that receive their funding from 'trading' activities, e.g. NHS Blood and Transplant and NHS Logistics Authority, produce income and expenditure accounts within Resource Budgeting but are outside of the Resource Accounting Boundary.


Nutrition Action Plan Delivery Board mid-year progress report, October 2008 (11th October 2008)
The Nutrition Action Plan Delivery Board mid-year report is an independent report written by the Chair of the Board, in conjunction with key stakeholders. It summarises the Board's achievements in the first half of the year and identifies areas where further work needs to be done to implement the Nutrition Action Plan fully and meet the overall goal of improving nutritional care.


PL/CMO/2008/7, PL/CNO/2008/7 Improving the detection and diagnosis of hepatitis C in primary care (27th October 2008)
Letter urging improvement in the detection and diagnosis of hepatitis C in primary care, and introducing Hepatitis C: Quick reference guide for primary care.
Hepatitis C: Quick reference guide for primary care (originally published 30th March 2007)

Migration and Infectious Diseases in the North West (10th November 2008)
This is the full version of short section written for a report on Health and Migration in the North West of England. The key diseases of tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis B, malaria and typhoid fever are identified and discussed. The current regional situation is described and placed within the national and global context.


Shooting up. Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom 2007. An update: October 2008 (27th October 2008)
One-third of injecting drug users have reported having an abscess, sore or open wound at sites of injection - bacterial infections that are thought to cost the NHS around £47million a year. Recent changes in drug taking such as the increase in people taking crack cocaine, has helped fuel an increase in bacterial infections among drug users.

National and regional estimates of the prevalence of opiate use and/or crack cocaine use 2006/07: a summary of key findings (November 2008)

This report summarises the results of the third and final phase of a three-year study to estimate the prevalence of problematic use of opiates and/or crack cocaine nationally (England only), regionally and locally.

Good Practice in Harm Reduction (October 2008)

This report follows publication of the results of the 2006/07 service reviews on harm reduction carried out by the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA) and the Healthcare Commission. The aim of this report is to highlight good practice in harm reduction, based on interviews with local drug partnerships that performed well in the reviews to identify good practice in interventions to reduce drug-related harm related to blood-borne virus and overdose.


Review of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in schools and the Government Response (23rd October 2008)
This report represents the views of all members of the external steering group that was established to take forward the commitment in the Children’s Plan to: ‘Review the delivery of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools. It summarises how the review was organised, what evidence they considered to inform their decisions, the key challenges that they identified and the recommendations that they are making to improve SRE delivery.
Government Response


Statement of Financial Entitlements (Amendment) (No 5) Directions 2008 (24th October 2008)
These Directions were signed on 22 October 2008 and come into force either on 1 April 2008 or 23 October 2008 (see direction 1). The amendments primarily relate to changes to the Quality and Outcomes Framework agreed in discussions earlier this year between NHS Employers and the GPC. There are, in addition, a handful of minor amendments.
Explanatory note


Paying the Patient: does it work? A review of patient-targeted incentives (14th October 2008)
This report, from the Health Foundation, summarises available evidence on the effectiveness of patient incentives in improving quality of healthcare.


NHS Foundation Trusts - Review and Consolidated Accounts 2007-08 (30th October 2008)
Monitor’s review of foundation trusts’ performance for the year 2007-08 supports the case that the foundation model and its regulatory regime is working, delivering robust organisations able to meet the requirements of their commissioners. In general, national healthcare targets are being met, membership is increasing and NHS foundation trusts have demonstrated that they can maintain a strong financial base, deliver efficiencies and build surpluses to invest in improved patient care. In the report it is clear that variation does exist within the sector; Monitor has intervened at five trusts during the year to remedy unacceptably poor MRSA rates, and has intervened formally at one trust in response to concerns about financial governance. However, the Annual Health Check ratings produced in October 2008 by the Healthcare Commission show a very positive picture – of the 42 trusts rated ‘excellent’ for both quality of services and use of resources, 38 were foundation trusts.


Treatment of heart attack national guidance: final report of the National Infarct Angioplasty Project (NIAP) (20th October 2008)
NIAP is a feasibility study looking at how far primary angioplasty can be rolled out as the main treatment for heart attack in place of clot-busting drugs. This is the final report concluding that it is feasible to roll out primary angioplasty for the majority of England within acceptable treatment times and is being published to encourage best practice.
Final report
Impact assessment
Equality impact assessment

Acting for change: transforming pathology services through action learning (7th November 2008)

Building on the earlier success of the Pathology Action Learning Programme, in 2007/08 DH supported around 30 learning sets. They used action learning techniques to tackle issues such as point of care testing, workforce re-profiling, phlebotomy, and service reconfiguration. This report makes available the learning from those projects, together with an introduction to action learning.

NHS Guidance on planning for disruption to road fuel supply: strategic national guidance for NHS organisations (5th November 2008)

This document gives interim guidance to National Health Service organisations to assist with their business continuity management planning in response to a reduction of the normal availability of road fuel, from a minor disruption through to the activation of the National Emergency Plan – Fuel (NEP-F) 2008. This guidance follows on from the NHS Resilience and Business Continuity Management Guidance 2008 and should be used in conjunction with the NHS Emergency Planning Guidance 2005. It is subordinate to the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s NEP-F, which is currently undergoing further review.


Regulation of Health Care Provision in England (24th October 2008)
This briefing examines the recent history of the quality and safety, financial and economic regulation of health care providers in England. It describes the new regulatory machinery that is being introduced and considers how the relationship between these different regulatory systems may develop in the future.


European Antibiotic Awareness Day and DH Antibiotics! Do you need them? Campaign (17th October 2008)
Letter announcing the Awareness Day and campaign.
Order form for materials
Antibiotic Campaign 2008-09
European Antibiotic Awareness Day


Clostridium difficile infections fall significantly (23rd October 2008)
Latest C. difficile figures for England show that between April and June 2008 there were 8,683 cases recorded in patients aged 65 years and over. This represents a fall of 18% in this age group from the previous quarter, January to March 2008, when the total was 10,608.


An exploration of the issues experienced by, and needs of, young people who are homeless or vulnerably housed in Liverpool (14th October 2008)
This study explored the issues, and needs, of young people (aged under 25 years old) who were homeless, vulnerably housed or exiting care in Liverpool. Issues relating to accommodation, drug and alcohol use, the influence of peers and support from local organisations are examined, and recommendations for responses to the key findings are included.

Evaluation of the Rapid Access Homeless Outreach Service (30th October 2008)

The Rapid Access Homeless Outreach Service is a low threshold service commissioned to engage ‘hard to reach’ substance users in treatment, principally aimed at homeless drug and alcohol users. This report evaluated the effectiveness of the open access service at engaging ‘hard to reach’ substance users in treatment, specifically homeless drug and alcohol users.


PL/CNO/2008/5: Improving cleanliness and infection control: from deep clean to keep clean - learning from the deep clean programme (28th October 2008)
Professional Letter from Chris Beasley, Chief Nursing Officer, and David Flory, Director General NHS Finance, Performance and Operations announcing the publication of a compendium of good practice examples from the national deep clean initiative and clarifying expectations for deep cleaning in the future.

From deep clean to keep clean: learning from the deep clean programme (28th October 2008)
This compendium is designed to identify areas of good practice arising from the national deep clean initiative and become a basis for sharing learning across organisations.


Healthcare acquired infections - Policy position (17th October 2008)
This policy paper, from the Royal College of Surgeons, calls for hospital patients to have access to better information in order to drive down infection rates.

MRSA Screening - FAQs (24th October 2008)

MRSA screening will be introduced for all elective patients by the end of March 2009. These are some FAQs that NHS Trusts may have.


Evaluation of the Individual Budgets pilot programme: final report (21st October 2008)
The Individual Budgets pilot programme was a cross-government initiative led by the Department of Health working closely with the Department for Work and Pensions, and Communities and Local Government. The pilot was conducted over two years 2006-2007 involving 13 local authorities. The report was written by a combined team from The University of York Social Policy Research Unit and the Personal Social Services Research Units of Manchester University, LSE and University of Kent; and Kings College London. They were collectively called The Individual Budgets Evaluation Network (IBSEN).
Full report
Executive summary
4-page summary
DH response to evaluation report


The role of the Consultant Paediatrician with Subspecialty Training in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (October 2008)
This new report by the Intercollegiate Committee for Services for Children in Emergency Departments explores the role of paediatricians with subspecialty training in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, and makes recommendations for how their skills can be most effectively utilised.


Why do men hate going to the doctor? (27th October 2008)
The aim of this project is to provide knowledge in a male dominated environment. It allows men to make informed decisions around healthy lifestyles choices.


Mental Capacity Act 2005: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - draft standard forms (29th October 2008)
Standard forms are being made available now in order to facilitate best practice, training and preparation in advance of April 2009, when the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards come into effect. The forms can be adapted but as drafted they help all those involved in the safeguards processes to fully meet the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty legislation. The first document, published on 29 October 2008, is for supervisory bodies and contains all the forms, developed to date, for both supervisory bodies and for managing authorities. The second document, that will appear here shortly, will be for managing authorities but will contain only the managing authority forms with guidance for care homes and hospitals. Over the coming months later versions will appear here as the forms reach their final development e.g. the inclusion of templates for supervisory bodies to refer cases to assessors and templates for IMCA reports.

Mental Health Act 2007: guidance on the extension of victims’ rights under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 (17th October 2008)
As a result of the Mental Health Act 2007, from 3 November 2008 victims’ rights under the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004 will be extended to victims of offenders who are detained, or on supervised community treatment, as unrestricted patients under Part 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983. This will involve new duties on hospital managers, responsible clinicians, approved mental health professionals and on NHS bodies who fund treatment of such patients in the independent sector.

Mental Health Act 1983 information leaflets (15th October 2008)
The Department of Health has updated its model Mental Health Act 1983 patient information leaflets to reflect changes to be made by the Mental Health Act 2007 from 3 November 2008. The leaflets are designed to assist hospitals and local social services authorities (LSSAs) to meet their legal obligations under the Act to provide written information to patients subject to detention and other compulsory measures under the Act.

Mental Capital and Wellbeing Report (22nd October 2008)
Foresight's Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project looks at how a person’s mental resources change throughout life and identifies factors that can help or hinder their development. The final report, published today, demonstrates that there is a clear case for action across society including by Government, companies and individuals to boost both mental capital and wellbeing. This could reap very high economic and social benefits in the future.

Managing Mental Health and Employment (4th November 2008)
This report presents the findings of an exploratory qualitative study commissioned in 2007 by the Department for Work and Pensions to investigate the experiences of people with a mental health condition who had continued to work in paid employment while unwell. The study was carried out by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York and was based on interviews with 38 people working for a range of small and large employers in the public and private sectors.


Pregnant women advised to limit caffeine consumption (3rd November 2008)
The Agency has today issued new advice on caffeine consumption during pregnancy. This follows the results of new FSA-funded research carried out by the Universities of Leeds and Leicester. Pregnant women are advised to limit their daily caffeine intake to 200mg a day – roughly two mugs of coffee a day. This is because too much caffeine might result in a baby having a lower birth weight than it should, which can increase the risk of some health conditions in later life. There is also some evidence which suggests that high levels of caffeine can result in spontaneous miscarriage. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, some soft drinks, and certain medicines.
Press release
Article from BMJ


Individual Patient Budgets: Background and Frequently Asked Questions (20th October 2008)
Following Lord Darzi’s pledge to pilot direct payments and individual budgets in health care, this paper provides a brief background to the concept and principles of these ways of working, before focusing in more detail on some frequently asked questions. The paper is intended to help inform forthcoming pilots, and was initially commissioned by NHS West Midlands as part of their Investing for Health strategy.

Trans: a practical guide for the NHS (3rd November 2008)

This document gives practical best practice advice for NHS organisations to address their responsibilities relating to trans employment and healthcare delivery.

NHS Pay Review Body: Review for 2009 (31st October 2008)

Written and statistical evidence from the Health Departments for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Real involvement: working with people to improve services (30th October 2008)
Guidance for NHS organisations on section 242(1B) of the NHS Act 2006, the duty to involve and good involvement practice; includes guidance on sections 17A, 24A and 242B of the NHS Act 2006 and information about section 242A of the Act. This document provides statutory guidance for NHS organisations on the updated duty of involvement and advice about the new duty of reporting on consultation and best practice on embedding involvement in organisations.
A5 introductory leaflet

Pay framework for very senior managers in strategic and special health authorities, primary care trusts and ambulance trusts 2008-09 - updated 22nd October 2008 (22nd October 2008)
These arrangements cover chief executives , executive directors, with the exception of those who are eligible to be on the consultant contract by virtue of their qualification and the requirements of the post other senior managers with Board level responsibility who report directly to the chief executive - referred to in this document as ‘other second level very senior managers’. This document supersedes the document published on 17 June 2008.

Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration: Review for 2009 (15th October 2008)
Written Evidence from the Health Departments for the United Kingdom.

Engaging patients in their health: how the NHS needs to change (October 2008)
If the health of the population is to improve significantly, patients need to be engaged in managing their own health. The increase in availability of information, developments in new technology, and changes in public attitudes mean that patients want to interact differently with health services. These developments present a challenge for the NHS. The King’s Fund, with the Leeds Castle Foundation, hosted a summit to explore in more detail the concept of the patient as consumer, the use of technology in health care and how to promote healthy citizenship. This paper includes presentations from experts and summaries of the discussions.

Technology in the NHS. Transforming the patient’s experience of care (October 2008)

Technology is widely used in many areas of life, and the NHS Next Stage Review highlighted the role that technology can play in improving health outcomes. However, the use of everyday technologies such as email and online booking systems is poor in the health service. This report aims to improve the uptake by analysing the main barriers to adoption and suggesting measures to overcome them. It sets out an ideal scenario for the use of health care technology and the potential benefits to patients. Using examples from other sectors, it makes recommendations at national and local level to encourage the use of technology.

Emergency readmission rates: further analysis (6th November 2008)

This Department of Health paper reviews an analysis by the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development (NCHOD) of the rising trend of emergency readmissions and carries out further analysis on an enhanced dataset.


Mental wellbeing and older people Public Health Intervention Guidance PH16 (22nd October 2008)
The guidance focuses on the role of occupational therapy interventions and physical activity interventions in the promotion of mental wellbeing for older people. It is for NHS primary care and other professionals who have a direct or indirect role in, and responsibility for, promoting older people's mental wellbeing. This includes those working in local authorities and the wider public, private, voluntary and community sectors. It will also be relevant for carers and family members who support older people and may be of interest to older people themselves. The guidance complements and supports, but does not replace, NICE guidance on: supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care; managing depression in primary and secondary care; assessing and preventing falls in older people; obesity; commonly used methods to increase physical activity; physical activity and the environment; behaviour change and community engagement.
Quick Reference Guide
Costing Report

Pain (chronic neuropathic or ischaemic) - spinal cord stimulation Technology Appraisal TA159 (22nd October 2008)
Spinal cord stimulation is recommended as a possible treatment for adults with chronic pain of neuropathic origin if they: continue to experience chronic pain (measuring at least 50 mm on a 0–100 mm visual analogue scale) for at least 6 months despite standard treatments, and have had a successful trial of spinal cord stimulation as part of an assessment by a specialist team. Treatment with spinal cord stimulation should only be given after the person has been assessed by a specialist team experienced in assessing and managing people receiving treatment with spinal cord stimulation.
Quick Reference Guide
Understanding NICE Guidance

Audit Support
Costing Template

Surgical site infection Clinical Guideline CG74 (22nd October 2008)
The advice in the NICE guideline covers: adults and children who are going to have a cut through the skin for an operation. It does not specifically look at: adults and children who are going to have an operation that does not involve a cut through the skin on the outside of the body; and adults and children who are going to have procedures involving thin tubes (called catheters) placed in blood vessels, tubes (called shunts) inserted into the body to divert fluid, thin flexible telescopes (called endoscopes) to view the inside of the body or metal pins used externally to treat broken bones. This guideline updates and replaces NICE technology appraisal guidance 24 (published April 2001).
NICE Guideline
Full Guideline
Full Guideline - Search Strategies
Full Guideline - Excluded Studies
Full Guideline - Evidence Tables

Quick Reference Guide
Understanding NICE Guidance
Costing Statement

Osteoporosis - primary prevention Technology appraisal TA160 (22th October 2008)
Whether or not a postmenopausal woman with osteoporosis is offered one of these drugs to prevent bone fractures will depend on her age, her bone density and how many risk factors for fracture and indicators of fragile bones she has. In principle, alendronate is recommended as a possible treatment for preventing bone fractures in postmenopausal women who have had osteoporosis diagnosed but have not had a fracture. If a woman can't take alendronate, risedronate and etidronate are recommended under certain circumstances as possible alternative treatments to prevent fractures. If a woman can't take alendronate or either risedronate or etidronate, then strontium ranelate is recommended under certain circumstances as a possible alternative treatment to prevent fractures. Raloxifene is not recommended as a treatment for preventing fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who have not had a fracture. The guidance says that women who are 75 or over may not need a bone scan to diagnose their osteoporosis.
Quick Reference Guide
Understanding NICE Guidance

Osteoporosis - secondary prevention including strontium ranelate Technology appraisal TA161 (29th October 2008)
Whether or not a postmenopausal woman who has had a bone fracture because of osteoporosis is offered treatment to prevent further fractures will depend on her age, her bone density and how many risk factors for fracture she has. Alendronate is recommended as a possible treatment for preventing bone fractures in postmenopausal women who have already had a fracture and have had osteoporosis diagnosed. If a woman can't take alendronate, risedronate and etidronate are recommended under certain circumstances as possible alternative treatments to prevent further fractures. If a woman can't take alendronate or either risedronate or etidronate, then strontium ranelate and raloxifene are recommended under certain circumstances as possible alternative treatments to prevent further fractures. If a woman can't take alendronate, or either risedronate or etidronate, or strontium ranelate, teriparatide is recommended under certain circumstances as a possible alternative treatment to prevent further fractures. Teriparatide is also recommended as a possible alternative treatment for a woman who has another fracture when she has been taking alendronate, risedronate or etidronate for 1 year (and her bone density has fallen). The guidance says that women who are 75 or over may not need a bone scan to diagnose their osteoporosis.
Quick Reference Guide
Understanding NICE Guidance

Management of long-term sickness absence and incapacity for work: consultation on the additional evidence (20th October 2008)
NICE was asked by the Department of Health (DH) to develop guidance for the NHS and other organisations in the public, community, voluntary and private sectors on: ‘the management of long-term sickness absence and incapacity'. In addition to the four evidence reviews and economic appraisal which were consulted on in May and June 2008 two reports and five expert papers have also been considered by the Programme Development Group (PDG) on long-term sickness absence and incapacity. Closing date for comments is 17th November 2008.

Multiple myeloma - lenalidomide: appraisal consultation (28th October 2008)
The Department of Health has asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE or the Institute) to conduct a single technology appraisal (STA) of lenalidomide and provide guidance on its use to the NHS in England and Wales. The Appraisal Committee has had its first meeting to consider both the evidence submitted by the manufacturer and the views put forward by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators, and by the clinical specialist and patient expert representatives nominated for this appraisal by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators. The Committee has developed preliminary recommendations on the use of lenalidomide. Closing date for comments is 18th November 2008.
Evaluation Report

Interventional procedures consultation document - intraocular lens insertion for correction of refractive error, with preservation of the natural lens (28th October 2008)
Short-sightedness is the inability to see clearly at a distance. Eyesight can usually be corrected by wearing spectacles or contact lenses. Insertion of a clear plastic lens in front of the existing lens is a procedure that aims to improve vision in short-sightedness. Closing date for comments is 25th November 2008.

Interventional procedures consultation document - laparoscopic cystectomy (28th October 2008)
Laparoscopic cystectomy involves removing the bladder using small cuts (also known as 'keyhole surgery'). In women, the bladder is removed through the wall of the vagina. In men, the bladder is removed with the prostate gland, through a small cut in the wall of the abdomen. The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder (the ureters) may then be connected to a bag worn outside the body, or parts of the bowel can be used to make an artificial bladder which is drained by a connection to the abdomen wall or to the tube that carries urine out of the body (the urethra). Closing date for comments is 25th November 2008.

Interventional procedures consultations document - extracorporeal photopheresis for Crohn’s disease (28th October 2008)
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. It is sometimes associated with other complications such as skin rashes and arthritis. In extracorporeal photopheresis blood is removed from the patient, then the white blood cells are separated from the whole blood, treated with ultraviolet light and re-infused into the patient. Closing date for comments is 25th November 2008.

Interventional procedures consultation document for percutaneous (non-thoracoscopic) epicardial catheter radiofrequency ablation for ventricular tachycardia (28th October 2008)
Ventricular tachycardia is a life-threatening heart condition. It occurs when the electrical impulses controlling the heartbeat become erratic, causing the heart to beat too quickly. When this happens, the heart cannot efficiently pump blood around the body. Ventricular tachycardia, if left untreated, may cause sudden cardiac death. In percutaneous (non-thoracoscopic) epicardial catheter radiofrequency ablation, selected areas on the outside of the heart are destroyed using heat, with the aim of preventing abnormal electrical impulses responsible for ventricular tachycardia from occurring. The procedure is carried out by inserting a special catheter into the sac around the heart and using it to deliver heat to selected areas of heart muscle where abnormal electrical impulses responsible for the ventricular tachycardia are detected. Closing date for comments is 25th November 2008.

Interventional procedures consultation document - percutaneous (non-thoracoscopic) epicardial catheter radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation (28th October 2008)
Laparoscopic cystectomy involves removing the bladder using small cuts (also known as 'keyhole surgery'). In women, the bladder is removed through the wall of the vagina. In men, the bladder is removed with the prostate gland, through a small cut in the wall of the abdomen. The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder (the ureters) may then be connected to a bag worn outside the body, or parts of the bowel can be used to make an artificial bladder which is drained by a connection to the abdomen wall or to the tube that carries urine out of the body (the urethra). Closing date for comments is 25th November 2008.

Strategies to prevent unintentional injuries among under 15s: draft scope consultation (3rd November 2008)
NICE is developing public health guidance (using the programme development process) to prevent unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15. Closing date for comments is 1st December 2008.

Preventing unintentional injuries among under 15s in the home: consultation on the draft scope (3rd November 2008)

NICE is developing public health intervention guidance preventing unintentional injuries from fire, hot fluids, electric sockets and heat- generating appliances in the home among children and young people aged under 15. Closing date for comments is 1st December 2008.

Preventing unintentional road injuries among under 15s: consultation on the draft scope (3rd November 2008)

NICE is developing public health intervention guidance on road design to prevent unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15. Closing date for comments is 1st December 2008.

Appraising end of life medicines (4th November 2008)

NICE would like to receive comments on the proposal to issue supplemental advice to its Appraisal Committees, in the form of an amendment to its Guide to the Methods of Technology Appraisal. Closing date for comments is 10th December 2008.

Critical illness rehabilitation: consultation on draft guidance (7th November 2008)

A clinical practice guideline on Critical illness rehabilitation is being developed for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to comment on the provisional recommendations via this website. Closing date for comments is 5th December 2008.

Lung cancer - update: consultation on the draft scope (7th November 2008)
NICE have been asked to develop a clinical practice update on lung cancer for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The draft scope defines what aspects of care the update will cover and to whom it will apply. Registered stakeholders for the lung cancer update are invited to submit comments on the scope and may suggest clinical questions that could be answered in the update. Closing date for comments is 5th December 2008.

Latest Implementation Tools (12th November 2008)
Surgical Site Infection Costing Statement

Pain - Spinal Cord Stimulation Costing Template and Audit Support

Mental Wellbeing and Older People Costing Report

Chronic Kidney Disease Guide to Resources

Identifying and supporting people most at risk of dying prematurely Slide Set


Can you measure nursing? (October 2008)
This edition of Policy+, from King’s College London, explores measures of the quality of nursing care. It is based on a report from the National Nursing Research Unit (NNRU) “State of the Art Metrics for Nursing: a rapid appraisal”. Drawing on a range of existing sets of indicators and systematic reviews linking aspects of nursing to patient outcomes, the paper examines whether or not nursing could be measured in a way which would allow comparison between institutions and facilitate accountability for the quality of care.

High quality nursing care - what is it and how can we best ensure its delivery? (October 2008)

The Next Stage Review “High Quality Care for All” places quality at the heart of the NHS. Nurses are in a powerful position to improve the quality of care, the experience of patients, and health outcomes across health services. This paper summarise key aspects of the recent National Nursing Research Unit report, “Nurses in Society: starting the debate”.

Abortion care. RCN guidance for nurses, midwives and specialist community public health nurses (27th October 2008)
This publication is an update of previous work by the RCN around the issue of abortion care. The guidance aims to provide clear and accurate information for nurses; to improve knowledge about abortion and abortion care; to empower nurses to develop their roles in abortion care and to protect the public by identifying relevant legislation and standards of care.

Dignity: RCN Definition of Dignity (13th December 2008)

This flyer is part of the RCN Dignity Campaign.

Dignity: Small changes make a big difference: how you can influence to deliver dignified care (16th October 2008)

This resource provides you with some ideas about how to influence to maintain and improve dignity in your area of practice. The resource has been developed with nursing teams in mind and is designed to help you understand what ‘influencing to improve dignity’ means by providing explanations and examples of good practice. The resource also provides opportunities for you to identify and develop skills and strategies that will help you influence for dignity in your practice area. It is intended to provide you with practical support to help you take the first steps towards maintaining and promoting dignity in your workplace.

Dignity: delivering dignified care: a practice support pack for workshop facilitators (16th October 2008)

Aimed at senior nurses who will deliver a dignity workshop, and developed with Help the Aged, the pack contains an interactive DVD and a guide to facilitating a workshop focusing on changing attitudes and practice.
Support Pack

Dignity: Information Poster and Flyer (16th October 2008)
To be put up on notice board in any care setting to promote dignity.
Poster 1

Dignity: a pocket guide (16th October 2008)

Quick portable reference to make dignity a priority when on the go, contains the RCN definition of dignity and quick and simple ideas to get you thinking about how dignity relates to ‘places, people and processes’
Pocket Guide

Dignity: Dignity workshop worksheet (16th October 2008)

Accompanying support material for dignity workshops for use with Delivering dignified care: a practice support pack for workshop facilitators.

Dignity: Dignity workshop poster (16th October 2008)
Accompanying support material for dignity workshops for use with Delivering dignified care: a practice support pack for workshop facilitators.


Launch of Change4Life, a national movement to tackle childhood obesity (27th October 2008)
A joint letter from the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Nursing Officer to health care professionals to inform them of Change4Life, a national movement to tackle childhood obesity. The letter includes the Change4Life brand, information about the consumer launch, the National Child Measurement Programme and links to existing resources for combating obesity.

Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: Consumer Insight Summary (10th November 2008)

This report is a summary of the results of research carried out for the Department of Health into families’ attitudes and behaviours relating to diet and activity. The research was carried out to enable interventions to promote healthy weight in children and families to be more effectively targeted and delivered. It is intended for use by obesity/health weight teams within primary care trusts (PCTs) and local authorities, but will also be of interest to anyone involved in the commissioning or implementation of initiatives aimed at encouraging families to improve their diet and/ or increase their levels of activity.


Pandemic flu: UK international preparedness strategy (22nd October 2008)
This strategy is the first of its kind; demonstrating a cross-government approach to improving international preparedness over the coming three to five years. It presents the UK Government's aims, objectives and actions for playing its part to improve global pandemic preparedness.

Additional Funding for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (11th November 2008)
The Department has identified additional non recurrent funding totalling £15m from within central budgets for 2008/09 for pandemic influenza preparedness.


Health-led Interventions in Pregnancy and Early Years (30th October 2008)
This report identifies the most effective and cost-effective health-led parenting support services and programmes in pregnancy and the first three years of life from published research to contribute to the development of the Child Health Promotion Programme.


Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty - Fifth Special Report of Session 2007- 08 (6th November 2008)

Health Committee - Foundation Trusts and Monitor - Sixth Report of Session 2007- 08 (22nd October 2008)
Vol. I
Vol. II

Home Affairs Committee - Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and “Honour” Based Violence: Further Government Response to the Committee’s Sixth Report of Session 2007- 08 - Third Special Report of Session 2007- 08 (6th November 2008)

Joint Committee on Human Rights - Monitoring the Government’s Response to Human Rights Judgements: Annual Report 2008 - Thirty-first Report of Session 2007- 08 (31st October 2008)

Committee of Public Accounts - Reducing the risk of violent crime - Forty-fifth Report of Session 2007- 08 (23rd October 2008)


Healthtalkonline (October 2008)
DIPEx, the award winning website of patients’ experiences, has changed its name to Healthtalkonline. The site covers around 50 illnesses and general health topics and for each topic around 30-50 people from different backgrounds and locations share their personal experience. Subjects covered include cancer, heart disease, chronic pain, bereavement, diabetes, epilepsy, and women's health. All content is based on research carried out at the University of Oxford and is useful not only for patients but also for doctors and other health service staff.

About flu jabs - who should get a flu jab this autumn? (23rd October 2008)

Easy-read booklet for the flu immunisation campaign 2008.

Get well soon without antibiotics (20th October 2008)

This leaflet explains the need to get the right treatment for common illnesses such as colds and coughs without encouraging antibiotic resistance. The leaflet is available in 11 languages.


A Guide to patient and public involvement in urgent care (27th October 2008)
The NHS Centre for Involvement has produced a guide for commissioners and providers that provides a step by step process to implement an effective system of patient and public involvement in urgent care. This guide was produced in response to the 2006 consultation on the Direction of Travel for Urgent Care which identified low levels of public and patient involvement in urgent care.


PPRS 2009: Products which have lost exclusivity (20th October 2008)
Joint letter sent to all members and prospective members of the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) on the position under a future PPRS regarding products that have lost exclusivity.

PPRS 2008: Submission of AFRs that cover the interim scheme (21st October 2008)
Joint letter to all Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme members advising on the details that have been agreed on the submission of annual financial returns (AFRs) in 2008 and 2009.

Clinical governance system acceptable to the Secretary of State: pharmacy practice leaflet (15th October 2008)

The National Health Service (Pharmaceutical Regulations) 2005 Schedule 1 Paragraph 26(2)(a)(i)1, contain “a requirement that the pharmacist should produce in an approved manner, a practice leaflet containing approved particulars in respect of his pharmacy”.

Paying for (expensive) drugs in the statutory system: an overview of experiences in 13 countries (4th November 2008)

As part of his review, Professor Mike Richards commissioned a report from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, on international comparisons of access to medicine.

Improving access to medicines for NHS patients: a report for the Secretary of State for Health by Professor Mike Richards (4th November 2008)

Professor Mike Richards' report sets out a series of recommendations on improving access to medicines for NHS patients. It also makes recommendations on the consequences for NHS patients of seeking additional private care. Professor Richards presented his report to the Secretary of State; who accepted the recommendations in full on 4 November.


Child Poverty Toolkit
This Toolkit is a key resource developed by Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) and Inclusion to help local authorities analyse child poverty in their areas and develop their child poverty strategy. The site has local data, policy and strategy briefs and examples of best practice.

The GDP cost of the lost earning potential of adults who grew up in poverty (23rd October 2008)
This report estimates the costs of child poverty in terms of reduced GDP, focusing on the lost earning potential of adults who have grown up in poverty. It includes: empirical estimates of the impact of growing up in child poverty on adult earnings and employment; the role of education in the relationship between child poverty and adult earnings and employment; estimates of the overall monetary costs of child poverty; and a final assessment of the GDP benefits of abolishing child poverty in terms of foregone earning, employment and benefit savings.

The costs of child poverty for individuals and society: a literature review (23rd October 2008)
This report examines the costs of child poverty to individuals and wider society, through reduced productivity, lower educational attainment and poor health. It explores the financial consequences of child poverty for individuals, families, neighbourhoods, society and the economy in the following areas: health; education; employment; behaviour; financial; family and personal relationships; and subjective well-being.

The public service costs of child poverty (23rd October 2008)
This report estimates the costs of child poverty to the Exchequer, focusing on public service costs. It includes: services provided to individuals or families on a basis of need or demographic eligibility, including education, most health services, subsidised housing and social care services; services which provide local ‘public goods’ such as policing and the criminal justice system; and area-based regeneration initiatives and more general supplementary expenditure targeted on deprived neighbourhoods.

The changing pattern of earnings: employees, migrants and low paid families (29th October 2008)

This study explores the assumption that individuals can work their way out of poverty, by examining the changing earnings of employees, the integration of migrants and the progression of low-paid families in Britain since the late 1970s.

Ending child poverty: ‘Thinking 2020’ - report and think-pieces from the Child Poverty Unit conference (4th November 2008)

In June 2008, the Child Poverty Unit held an event entitled ’Ending Child Poverty: “Thinking 2020”’ at which around 100 stakeholders from across lobby organisations, academic institutions, devolved administrations and local and central Government attended. The event was designed to begin a discussion with stakeholders on the vision for a UK free of child poverty by 2020, and the route by which that could be achieved. To facilitate discussion and debate, four think-pieces were commissioned from academics and think-tanks which were then presented and discussed at the event. This report contains the write-up of the event, plus the authors’ four think-pieces on financial support, employment, communities and children’s life chances.

Childcare and Child Poverty (10th November 2008)

Over the past 10 years, great strides have been made in improving childcare, but more must be done to improve quality and to make childcare more affordable and available to the most disadvantaged groups. This report sets out how, with further improvements, childcare policy can continue to play a key role not just in reducing poverty for today's children, but also in improving outcomes and preventing poverty for the next generation.

Ending Severe Child Poverty (10th November 2008)

This report asks what a focus on severe child poverty adds to our understanding of child poverty and what it may suggest in terms of future strategic approaches and policy solutions. With the government committed to their goal of ending child poverty by 2020 there are concerns that policy has not reached those families in the most severe poverty. A focus on severe poverty, in terms of persistence and depth of poverty, will add a critical dimension to our understanding.

Addressing in-work poverty (10th November 2008)

The existence of 'in-work' poverty has only been officially recognised in the last couple of years. Yet the steady upward trend and number of children involved mean that it should be given high priority. The report includes an in-depth analysis of the progress that has been made on in-work poverty among children since the start of the government's poverty programme in the late 1990s.

Tackling child poverty when parents cannot work (10th November 2008)
The report describes the current strengths and weaknesses in policy provision to combat child poverty when parental employment is constrained and is a timely analysis given the approaching 2010 deadline for halving child poverty from 1999 levels. The analysis uses original and unique tax-benefit modelling of current provision across a range of low-paid and out-of-work family profiles.

The effects of discrimination on families in the fight to end child poverty (10th November 2008)

This report focuses on the discrimination experienced by families living in poverty in the UK ('povertyism'), examining the barriers preventing them from enjoying equal access to fundamental economic and social rights. Current thinking, in the national and international poverty debate, is that the question of rights, and their absence, is linked to poverty. Povertyism perpetuates a lack of knowledge and understanding about the lives of people experiencing poverty. The resulting policy approach leads to a denial of their basic human rights.

Parental qualifications and child poverty in 2020 (10th November 2008)

This report looks at how the anticipated changes in qualifications and in the occupational and sectoral distribution of employment will impact on the incidence of child poverty by 2020. The Leitch Review of Skills predicts that the working population should be better skilled by 2020, leading to an increase in the quality and quantity of jobs and a reduction in the risk of household poverty.

Can work eradicate child poverty? (10th November 2008)

The government has repeatedly stated that work is the best route out of poverty. This implies that work is not the only route, but is the preferred or main route in tackling child poverty. This report examines the extent to which there is underemployment among parents and a desire to work among parents who are not currently working. It examines patterns of work and worklessness among parents and flows between work and workless states for parents, both using survey data and lone-parent benefit claims.