25 March 2009


Commissioning Services and support for people with learning disabilities and complex needs (16th March 2009)
The Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI), the Healthcare Commission and the Mental Health Act Commission (MHAC), today published a joint report reviewing how councils and PCTs commission services on behalf of people with a learning disability. The watchdogs conducted the review following a series of reports over the past decade that point to poor care for people with a learning disability, particularly those with complex needs. This is the first review to focus specifically on how councils and PCTs commission services.

Health Poverty Index (March 2009)
The Health Poverty Index (HPI) is a web based tool that allows geographical areas and different ethnic groups to be compared in terms of their health poverty.

A group's health poverty is a summary measure of both their present state of health and future health potential or lack of it. The latest update of the HPI was released in conjunction with a new HPI workbook, which guides the user through some of the features of the tool and demonstrates how the index can be used to provide a single visual summary of an area's health poverty.

Commissioning healthcare for people with learning disabilities (16th March 2009)
This briefing, from NHS Confederation, is intended to raise awareness of issues in the commissioning of services for people with learning disabilities that meet their specific needs and enhance the development of mainstream services that are fit for purpose.

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