4 September 2009


Safer Births. Supporting maternity services to improve safety (24th August 2009)
The Safer Births programme, a partnership between The King's Fund, National Patient Safety Agency, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives, Centre for Maternal and child Enquiries and NHS Litigation Authority, ran regional interactive events in early 2009 for an invited audience of heads of midwifery, lead obstetricians and risk managers. The events were designed to help maternity units reflect on current practice, challenges to improving safety and their local priorities. They offered the opportunity for professionals to develop local solutions as a team, share experiences and learn about a range of methods used in improvement work and patient safety.

The short report sets out the views of the maternity professionals who attended the events. Ensuring safe services was the highest priority for staff across the four regions involved – Yorkshire and the Humber, North East, North West and London. The report reveals many examples of innovative local practice with maternity professionals developing better ways of working, improved handovers, joint training and user-friendly summaries of clinical guidelines.

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