4 September 2009


Supporting children and young people with diabetes: guidance for nurses in schools and early years settings (11th August 2009)
The prevalence of diabetes amongst children and young people is increasing, and requires different and more complex management than diabetes in adults. Although diabetes should not prevent a child from participating in school and extra-curricular activities, research shows that children with diabetes miss significantly more school than their non-diabetic peers. The RCN is aware of inequality in the care provision of children and young people with diabetes, and has outlined the principles that need to be put in place to ensure their needs are met. This guidance is aimed health care professionals and education staff who are caring for children and young people with diabetes. It includes key facts about the Disability Discrimination Act, how to draw up individualised care plans and emergency procedures, and how to access support. The aim is to ensure that children and young people receive appropriate care without prejudicing their health or education.

Rheumatology nursing: results of a survey exploring the performance and activity of rheumatology (10th August 2009)
Rheumatology services have to date not been included in any national policy initiatives. This survey report provides preliminary data about the work and activity of nurses working in the rheumatology field. The publication provides an up to date snapshot of rheumatology nursing services in the UK and identifies the scope and breadth of nursing activity, while enabling nurses to compare their skills and competences against other specialists in their field of practice. It also provides an important resource for commissioners, seeking to understand and plan the provision of the specialist support and workforce needs, to commission and deliver high quality patient care.

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