14 October 2009


Work-related stress. A good practice guide for RCN representatives (8th October 2009)
Work related stress has overtaken musculoskeletal disorders as the main cause of absence and ill health in the health sector. Nursing is often seen as one of the most stressful occupations, therefore work-related stress is a major concern for RCN representatives. This guidance takes RCN representatives through the HSE's managament standards and the process of conducting a stress risk assessment. The guidance details how RCN safety representatives can get involved in each stage of the risk assessment process, with a number of case studies highlighting how representatives have implemented the HSE standards in their own workplaces. The standards are a useful tool and and can help in addressing issues such as workload, work patterns and organisational change. This publication may also be useful for stewards and learning representatives when supporting RCN members who are returning to work following a stress related illness or when negotiating learning and development opportunities for members.

Assessing, managing and monitoring biologic therapies for inflammatory arthritis (12th October 2009)
The role of biologic therapies in the treatment and management of patients with inflammatory joint disease is an evolving area that has significant implications for all practitioners. This guidance also contains a practitioners' workbook to aid a standardised assessment and management process, and part two of the publication covers specific issues for the care of children and young people. It has its own reference section and appendices that refer specifically to paediatric care.

Clinical nurse specialists: stoma care (2nd October 2009)
The Royal College of Nursing has published new guidance which reviews the role of the stoma nurse specialist.

The publication covers stoma care education, management, consultancy and research. It also includes a series of case studies and patient stories which highlight the work of stoma nurse specialists.

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