20 January 2010


PCT Value for money profiles (15th January 2010)
The new primary care trust (PCT) value for money (VfM) profiles are available as an interactive web tool.

The tool provides comparative information about a selected PCT's performance in managing costs and delivering outputs (activities) and outcomes (health improvements for local people). It also tracks performance over time to see whether improvements are being achieved in line with priorities and how the trend in performance compares to others.

Practice-based commissioning budget guidance for 2010/11 (14th January 2010)
PCTs are responsible for ensuring that practices receive an indicative budget that reflects the needs of their population as accurately as possible. This allows a practice to access a 'fair share' of the resources available to the whole of the PCT for its patients. The Department has updated the toolkit that can be used to determine weighted capitation indicative budgets at practice level. This is part of our ongoing commitment to refine the methodology and improve accuracy.

GP Extended Opening Hours (7th January 2010)
PCTs are to continue to progress extended opening hours in GP practices, particularly for patients of practices who are not offering this service. The current DES rolls forward in 2010/11 and PCTs are asked to submit plans saying how they will make full use of the resources available for extended opening.

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