19 March 2010


Personal Care at Home Consultation: The Government Response (12th March 2010)
This is the Government response to the consultation document entitled Personal Care at Home: A consultation on proposals for regulations and guidance. Annex B to the Government response is published as a separate document. A series of stakeholder engagement events, hosted by the Central Office of Information (COI), formed part of the consultation and a report of these events, produced by COI, is published alongside the Government response.
Consultation Response

A better future: a consultation on a future strategy for adults with autistic spectrum conditions. The Government Response (9th March 2010)
During the summer of 2009 the Department of Health consulted on a strategy for adults with autism in England. This is the government response to that consultation.
Consultation Response

Changes to the NHS Constitution: Government response to the consultation on new patient rights (8th March 2010)
The Department of Health published a consultation on new patient rights on 10 November 2009. The consultation closed 5 February 2010.

Over 8,000 people responded to the consultation which involved both local engagement activities carried out by PCTs, and a national consultation process. Following the consultation, a revised NHS Constitution has been published, including a new right to start non-urgent treatment within 18 weeks, and to see a specialist where cancer is suspected within 2 weeks of referral, or for the NHS to take all reasonable steps to offer a range of alternative providers where this is not possible. This new right comes into effect on 1 April 2010.
Consultation Response

A consultation on the revision of guidance on the ordinary residence provisions in the National Assistance Act 1948; and on the draft Ordinary Residence Disputes (National Assistance Act 1948) Directions 2009, the Ordinary Residence Disputes (Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc. Act 2003) Directions and the Ordinary Residence Disputes (Mental Capacity Act 2005) Directions 2009 (5th March 2010)
This is the Government Response to this consultation that ran from 21st April to 17th July 2009.
Government Response

New Horizons: Towards a shared vision for mental health - report on responses to the consultation (17th March 2010)
New Horizons: report of public consultation: the full response to the public consultation which opened in July 2009 and set out a vision for the future of mental health care in England. It describes the consultation process, summarises responses, and sets out the Government’s response.
Consultation Response

Age equality in health and social care. A report on the consultation (9th March 2010)
In April 2009, the then Secretary of State for Health asked Sir Ian Carruthers OBE (Chief Executive of NHS South West) and Jan Ormondroyd (Chief Executive of Bristol City Council) to consider what the new measures on age in the Equality Bill would mean for health and social care. The report of their review was published in October 2009 and made twenty-eight recommendations

DH published a consultation paper on 23 November 2009 which invited views on the review’s non-legislative recommendations and DH’s proposals for taking them forward. The consultation closed on 15 February 2010. DH also published an Impact Assessment and Equality Impact Assessment, and invited comments on these. Four consultation events were held across England which provided an opportunity to discuss the proposals in the consultation paper.

Over two hundred people attended the consultation events, and around ninety written responses were made to the consultation paper. In general, the responses were supportive of the proposals.
Consultation Response

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