11 March 2009


This bulletin highlights recently produced documents that have appeared on websites. The aim is to trawl the web and produce a fortnightly review of what is found (coverage may not be comprehensive). If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Bulletin, please send an email to library.pct@sthk.nhs.uk. All links are correct at time of publishing. Some documents are large and may take time to open so please be patient when waiting for links to open. If a link is incorrect please email me and I will correct the link and send you the document.

For those that are receiving this through an email or through a third party you can view the original Bulletin at http://www.newdocumentsbulletin.blogspot.com/ and also sign up to receive the Bulletin by RSS.


SUS (Secondary Uses Service) Pilots: Sharing the learning (February 2009)
The SUS pilot and early adopter organisations have published emerging lessons as they go through the process of changing their systems to deliver a weekly submission of 18 week referral to treatment data to SUS to support the commissioning and sustained delivery of 18 weeks.


Accidents and Child Development (February 2009)
Every year, some two million children are seen at hospital Accident and Emergency Units after suffering an unintentional injury. Around 250 children die each year as the result of accidents. These stark facts give an indication of how great a challenge parents, carers and practitioners face in trying to keep children safe.

This guide addresses particular issues related to child safety and focuses on the actual experiences of field workers. Its aim is to share the experiences of practitioners with a wider audience so that effective interventions can be publicised, so that common pitfalls can be avoided.


ARTICLE - Alcohol Portrayal on Television Affects Actual Drinking Behaviour (4th March 2009)
New research, published in Alcohol and Alcoholism, shows for the first time a causal link between exposure to drinking models and alcohol commercials on acute alcohol consumption. It showed that people who watched films and commercials in which alcohol drinking featured prominently consumed, on average, 1.5 glasses more alcohol than those who were watched films and commercials with no alcohol portrayl.

Alcohol Treatment in Cheshire and Merseyside 2007/08 (26th February 2009)
This publication details the results from the Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (ATMS) in Cheshire and Merseyside during 2007/08. The report provides information on the number and profile of individuals in contact with specialist alcohol treatment in Cheshire and Merseyside during 2007/08.


NHS London Annual Report 2007/2008 (February 2009)
This report notes key achievements and statistics as well as giving the annual report and accounts for NHS London
Annual Report


Dignity Champions Newsletter Issue 9 - February 2009 (March 2009)

Housing with Care Matters - February 2009 (February 2009)


Ovarian cancer: key messages for health professionals (27th February 2009)
Ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women after lung, breast and bowel cancer. In the UK 6,800 women are diagnosed every year but, to put this in perspective, the average GP sees only one case of ovarian cancer every five years. This is an update to the Cancer NSF for ovarian cancer for health professionals. The update is split into 3 sections - Who is most at risk?; What you should do if you suspect ovarian cancer; and New evidence on symptoms to help you recognise ovarian cancer.

Cervical Screening factsheet - FAQs (20th February 2009)
This fact sheet contains frequently asked questions about the NHS National Cervical Screening Programme.

ARTICLE - Million Women Study shows even more moderate alcohol consumption associate with increased cancer risk (24th February 2009)
According to this article from Cancer Research UK, women who regularly have one or two alcoholic drinks a day increase their risk of cancers of the breast, liver and rectum and in women who also smoked it increased the risk of cancers of the mouth and throat.


Individual budgets pilot projects: impact and outcome for carers (26th February 2009)
This research is one of two reports to inform development of personal and individual budgets. The first, published on 21 October 2008, examined the impact of individual budgets on service users. This report, published 26 February 2009, was commissioned by the Department of Health to examine the impacts on and outcomes for carers.

Options for care funding: What could be done now? (4th March 2009)
Many experts, the public and the Government agree that the UK needs a new care funding system: evidence shows that the present system is unfair, unclear and unsustainable. This summary updates a Solutions produced in 2007, and suggests four costed, fairer and more sustainable methods of funding including:
  • equity release, allowing older homeowners to pay for home-based care by deferring the costs until their home is sold;
  • higher capital limits for care home fees to help those with modest assets;
  • doubling the personal expenses allowance for people living in care homes supported by local authorities; and
  • restructuring help for people in nursing homes, breaking down the barrier between health and social care.

Supporting Carers to Care (26th February 2009)
This report, from the National Audit Office, has found that although the majority of carers who receive benefits from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are satisfied with the support they receive, at least a fifth have difficulties in applying for Carer's Allowance.


A Better Return: setting the foundations for intelligent commissioning to achieve value for money (January 2009)
Based on research by nef (the new economics foundation), the National Programme has published this report on how spending on public services can be directed to achieve the best return for communities, the environment and the public purse.

Clinical commissioning: our vision for practice-based commissioning (4th March 2009)
This document sets out a vision for clinical commissioning, the hallmarks of successful clinical commissioning, the support and entitlements that practice-based commissioners can expect, and the principles underpinning vibrant, productive partnerships between PCTs and their clinical communities. It includes a covering letter to GPs.

World class commissioning for children and young people with speech, language and communications needs (SLCN): invitation to become a commissioning pathfinder (9th March 2009)
As part of a wider programme of work around services for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, applications are sought for commissioning pathfinders to test ways of improving how these services are commissioned and the outcomes for children and young people using them.
Application Pack

Practice-based commissioning budget guidance for 2009/10 (February 2009)
PCTs are responsible for ensuring that practices receive an indicative budget that reflects the needs of their population as accurately as possible. This allows a practice to access a 'fair share' of the resources available to the whole of the PCT for its patients. The Department of Health (DH) has updated the toolkit that can be used to determine weighted capitation indicative budgets at practice level. This is part of the DH ongoing commitment to refine the methodology and improve accuracy. To accompany the toolkit they have also produced guidance.


Transforming Community Health Services Briefing (2nd March 2009)
Transforming community health services has become a key priority for many NHS organisations over the last year and many organisations are beginning to consider the workforce aspects of the transformation programme.

This briefing, based on a study into staff attitudes towards transferring to new organisational models, looks at the barriers and incentives to change, and examines insights from staff in organisations that are further forward in the transformation process.


Listening, responding, improving: a guide to better customer care (26th February 2009)
From the 1st April 2009, there will be a single approach to dealing with complaints. It will give organisations the flexibility they need to deal with complaints effectively. It will also encourage a culture that seeks and then uses people’s experiences to make services more effective, personal and safe.

The guide ‘Listening, Responding, Improving’ has been developed to help complaints professionals work with colleagues to make their organisations better at listening, responding and learning from people’s experiences.

Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 (February 2009)
These Regulations cover complaints made from 1 April 2009 in relation to local authority social services and the NHS and include the designation of responsible persons, complaints procedures, those entitled to bring a complaint, time limits and cooperation between responsible bodies where complaints affect them both.


Mental Capacity Act (Deprivation of Liberty: Monitoring and Reporting; and Assessments - Amendment) Regulations 2009 - response to the consultation (23rd February 2009)
This document is the post-consultation report for the consultation paper, 'Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Standards: consultation on the Mental Capacity (Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty: Monitoring and Reporting) and (Deprivation of Liberty: Standard Authorisations, Assessments and Ordinary Residence (Amendment) Regulations 2009 Safeguards which was published on 19 December 2008.
Consultation Response

General Osteopathic Council (Consitution) Order 2008 consultation report (20th February 2009)
The General Osteopathic Council (Constitution) Order was published in draft for consultation between 15 August and 7 November 2008. This report provides information on the outcome of that consultation.
Consultation Response

Health Care and Associated Professions (Miscellaneous Amendments and Practitioner Psychologists) Order 2009: consultation report (9th March 2009)
A summary response to the public consultation on the draft Health Care and Associated Professions (Miscellaneous Amendments and Practitioner Psychologists) Order 2009.
Consultation Response

General Optical Council (Constitution) Order: consultation report (9th March 2009)
The General Optical Council (Constitution) Order 2009 was published in draft for consultation between 15 August and 7 November 2008. This report provides information on the outcome of that consultation.
Consultation Response


Tackling race inequalities: a discussion document (24th February 2009)
The Government is seeking views on priorities for its future work and strategy to tackle race inequalities. They are interested in hearing peoples' views on a range of issues. This publication sets out a series of questions on their future approach for people to consider and reply to. Closing date for comments is 18th May 2009.

Topic selection process for technology appraisals: a consultation document (2nd March 2009)
The Department of Health (DH) and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) have worked together to identify how the NICE topic selection process can be streamlined and shortened. The proposed process will reduce the time it takes to refer non-cancer drugs to NICE by at least 3 months and will mean that drugs will routinely be referred to NICE more than a year before they receive a licence for use in the UK. Closing date for comments is 22nd May 2009.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-01 Decontamination of reusable medical devices Parts B, C and D (4th March 2009)
The consultation document Health Technical Memorandum 01-01 “Decontamination of reusable medical devices” has been produced as a best practice guide on the use of decontamination equipment used to reprocess reusable medical devices.

The consultation seeks comments on the revised guidance, which has been updated to take account of changes in policy; of guidance provided by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE); and of European Standards. Closing date for comments is 29th May 2009.

Together we can end violence against women (6th March 2009)
This consultation is intended to raise awareness and to generate debate on what more could be done together to end violence against women, and overcome its far-reaching effects. Closing date for comments is 26th June 2009)


Supporting disabled parents: a family or a fragmented approach? (24th February 2009)
This report, from Commission for Social Care Inspection, finds that many councils do not fully support disabled parents and their children. Disabled parents are a diverse group of people and include parents with:
  • physical and/or sensory impairments
  • learning disabilities
  • mental health needs
  • drug and alcohol related problems
  • long term medical conditions


Violence against women opinion polling - February 2009 (6th March 2009)
Results from the Ipsos Mori poll of telephone interviews with people in England and Wales regarding their opinions on violence against women.


The primary prevention of Hepatitis C among injecting drug users (25th February 2009)
The findings in this report conclude that a single intervention may not, alone, be sufficient to prevent the spread of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The evidence suggests that a combination of Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) and the provision of Needle and Syringe Programmes (NSP) may be the most effective way of reducing HCV incidence among active injecting drug users (IDU).

This report from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, is being published concurrently with and complementary to public health guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) on Needle and Syringe programmes: providing people who inject drugs with injecting equipment.


Managing resources in later life (27th February 2009)
An ageing population continues to be of policy concern, in relation to meeting the needs of older people now, and for future welfare provision. This research explores how older people plan, use and value the different resources available to them. Resources are broadly defined, to explore the relative value of different structural, social and individual resources and how they interlink. This holistic overview highlights the complexity of older people’s lives, the variety of resources that people draw on to help manage change and the work involved in maintaining continuity and preventing change.


Improving opportunity, strengthening society: a third progress report (24th February 2009)
Launched in January 2005, Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society sets out the Government's commitment to create strong cohesive communities in which every individual, whatever their racial or ethnic origin, is able to fulfil their potential through the enjoyment of equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities.

This report provides information on progress to increase race equality and community cohesion. It outlines progress that is being made towards achieving race equality in the key public services and in building community cohesion.


Microbiological Quality of Salad Vegetables and Sauces from Kebab Take-away Restaurants (5th March 2009)
A new report published today reveals that 5% of salads and sauces served in kebab takeaway restaurants contain "unsatisfactory" (4.7%) and "unacceptable" (0.4%) levels of bacteria.

The study was carried out by the Health Protection Agency, LACORS (the Local Authorities Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services) and local councils. The aim was to identify potential risks to consumers and controls that can improve food safety.

An Assessment of the Microbiological Safety of Ready-To-Eat Dried Seeds from Retail Premises in the UK with a focus on Salmonella spp. (25th February 2009)
A recent study carried out by the Health Protection Agency and LACORS (Local Authorities Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services) has revealed the presence of Salmonella and E. coli bacteria in a small number of ready-to-eat dried seed samples.

Seeds, such as sesame, sunflower, pumpkin and poppy, are frequently eaten as snack foods or incorporated into meals without further cooking. The study was therefore undertaken to explore the microbiological safety of these products as they would be eaten by consumers.


Good Medical Practice - Pandemic Influenza (March 2009)
To help doctors be clear about what the General Medical Council (GMC) will regard as good practice during a pandemic, they have prepared a revised version of Good Medical Practice. In this version some of the usual requirements – such as participating in appraisal and performance review - have been lifted. Other requirements, such as the duties to act honestly, are unchanged. In many cases, the GMC have recognised the pressures and restrictions that may accompany a pandemic by adding qualifying clauses to the guidance, recognising that constraints on time and other resources may limit doctors’ ability to provide detailed information or help for patients.


Transactions Manual (19th February 2009)
The Transactions Manual is a system management tool introduced in the 2008/9 Operating Framework.

The Manual has been developed jointly with Monitor to support best practice amongst providers of NHS services, commissioners, Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) and their respective advisers as they develop transactions within the UK health economy.



Local healthcare commissioning: grassroots involvment? A national survey of health advocacy groups (18th February 2009)
This report, from National Voices and Royal College of Nursing Local Healthcare Commissioning, reveals that many patients feel local healthcare commissioning (LHC), the process intended to ensure health and care services effectively meet the needs of the local population by engaging with patient representatives, is not working effectively. The report also identifies specialist nurses as the best placed healthcare professionals to make the commissioning process a success.
Press Release

Healthcare in Europe (18th February 2009)
Discussions are ongoing in Europe to decide new rules that should apply to patients seeking healthcare in other European countries at the expense of their home system. The NHS European Office carried out a consultation exercise to assess potential implications of the proposed legislation for the NHS. This Briefing summarises NHS views on some key aspects of the EU proposals.


The impacts of housing stock transfers in urban Britain (27th February 2009)
This research looks at the transfer of housing stock from councils to specially established housing associations, concentrating on the ‘second generation’ of transfers carried out since 1997.
Focusing mainly on ten case study transfers in urban areas, the study considers how successful these transfers have been, and examines:
  • the nature of ‘transfer promises’ (commitments to channel fresh investment into housing repair and modernisation) and how far these have been met;
  • the impact of transfer on organisational culture, governance and service delivery; and
  • the contribution of transfer to wider regeneration and social inclusion.



Final Score - The impact of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment of local government 2002-08 (5th March 2009)
This report marks the end of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) and looks back over its seven years. Final Score considers the impact CPA has had on improving council services, governance and financial management since it was first introduced in 2002.

CPA - The harder test (5th March 2009)
This report sets out the 2008 Comprehensive Performance Assessment scores for single tier and county councils, and marks the final year of CPA. CPA measures how well councils deliver services for local people and communities. The report contains comparisons of levels of performance since the last set of results was published in 2007, and also looks at performance over the four years since CPA - The harder test was introduced in 2005.
2008 Scores



Saving Babies Lives Report 2009 (5th March 2009)
The report, from Sands, aims to bring together in one document the range of issues which are key to reducing stillbirths and neonatal deaths in the UK. It argues that the numbers of baby deaths is unacceptable, and that failure to recognise the problem at all levels means that little is being done to improve the situation. It highlights the devastating impact of a baby’s death on the parents, their family and friends, and why we believe that many of these deaths could be prevented.


The Medicines (Pharmacies) (Responsible Pharmacist) Regulations 2008: guidance (27th February 2009)
Factual guidance on new regulations relating to the sale and supply of medicines from registered pharmacies.


Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: A guide for family, friends and unpaid carers (6th March 2009)
This booklet contains all the information that family, friends and unpaid carers need to understand what the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguides is all about. It helps them to:
  • Understand their rights to have a say in their friends or family member's care
  • Ensures that all possible steps are being taken to protect the interests of their friend or family member while they are being deprived of their liberty.

Making decisions: The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service (6th March 2009)
This document sets out the role and responsibilities of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. This edition has been updated to reflect the requirements of the MCA and MCA DOLS legislation.

Diversion (23rd February 2009)
Diversion finds that many opportunities for diversion are being missed and too little is being done to ensure that offenders with mental health problems make continuing use of community mental health services.

This report, from Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, looks at the evidence on outcomes and the effectiveness of diversion, it includes information from site visits and looks at whether diversion is good value for money.

Doing what works (18th February 2009)
Doing What Works, published by Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, shows that Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is by far the most effective way of helping people with severe and enduring mental health problems to gain and retain the jobs they want. But it is only effective if all seven of its key principles are in place.

Improving the patient experience: sharing success in mental health and learning disabilities - the King's Fund's Enhancing the Healing Environment Programme (9th March 2009)
Since 2000, the Department has supported the King's Fund's Enhancing the Healing Environment, a nurse-led environmental improvement programme. Following the success of initial projects in London, the programme was extended to 69 Trusts in England including acute, mental health, learning disability and primary care trusts.

The Legal Aspects of the Care and Treatment of Children and Young People with Mental Disorder: A Guide for Professionals (January 2009)
This report, published by National Institute for Mental Health in England, provides guidance about how to provide mental healthcare for children and young adults within the legal and policy framework.


Review of NHS ISA (UK and I) 260 Reports (19th February 2009)
This report sets out the findings of the Audit Commission's analysis of financial reporting issues detailed by auditors in the 2007/08 ISA 260 (annual governance) reports. This review was undertaken in order to identify areas of risk to support planning, training and guidance for auditors and NHS bodies through chief accountants' workshops for 2008/09 by identifying common financial reporting issues. The report will also help to identify areas which are a potential risk in financial management and budgeting terms.

NHS reference costs 2008/09: collection guidance (6th March 2009)
This document outlines the mandatory requirements for the 2008/09 reference costs collection. It updates and supersedes previous costing guidance. It should be read in conjunction with the latest version of the NHS costing manual.

NHS Costing manual 2008/09 (6th March 2009)
This manual sets out the principles and practice of costing to be applied in the NHS. It is not just designed to support the production of the National Schedule of Reference Costs and through this, the national tariff, but should also be used in developing and monitoring service and financial frameworks, as well as developments in and the monitoring and implementation of National Service Frameworks.

Sexual orientation: a practical guide for the NHS
This document gives practical advice to enable NHS organisations to address their responsibilities relating to sexual orientation and employment or healthcare delivery.

Impact assessment of regulations to require NHS bodies to register with CQC and meet a requirement on HCAI in 2009 (26th February 2009)

Statement on Internal Control 2008/2009: disclosures and related documents (25th February 2009)
Clarification on how and where organisations should make disclosures or qualifications on their Statement on Internal Control (SIC) about risk management and review processes being in place for the full year, gaps in assurance frameworks, NHS Pension Scheme compliance and significant control issues for 2008/09.

Acute health clinical costing standards 2009/10 (24th February 2009)
Clinical costing is often known by its other name of Patient Level Information and Costing or “PLICS”. It relates to the primary functions of health providers, which are to diagnose and treat patients. Clinical costing is derived from tracing resources used by an individual patient in diagnosis and treatment and calculating the expenditure of those resources using the actual costs incurred by the organisation. These standards apply to the provision of acute care.

Real-time Patient Feedback Project (5th March 2009)
This report draws on the experiences of West Midlands PCTs and provider organisations as well as those further afield to build up a picture of current practice in the NHS and in private industry. The report notes that while the use of real-time methodologies has a definite and beneficial role within engagement, organisations must ensure it is part of an overall strategy and that robust processes are in place for co-ordinating data collection, its collation, analysis and dissemination. The report also emphasises the need for feedback to result in action and for that action to be publicised.


Ovarian cancer: draft scope consultation (18th February 2009)
NICE have been asked to develop a clinical practice guideline on Ovarian Cancer for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The draft scope defines what aspects of care the guideline will cover and to whom it will apply. Closing date for comments is 18th March 2009.

Colorectal cancer: draft scope consultation (18th February 2009)
NICE have been asked to develop a clinical practice guideline on Colorectal Cancer for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The draft scope defines what aspects of care the guideline will cover and to whom it will apply. Closing date for comments is 18th March 2009.

Promoting young people's social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education: guidance consultation (18th February 2009)
NICE is developing public health intervention guidance promoting social and emotional wellbeing in secondary education. Closing date for comments is 18th March 2009.

Hysteroscopic sterilisation by tubal cannulation and placement of intrafallopian implant (24th February 2009)
NICE has reviewed this guidance that was published in August 2004 and is reassessing the procedure. Closing date for comments is 24th February 2009.

Corneal endothelial transplantation (24th February 2009)
The Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee has considered this procedure and NICE has now issued a consultaion document about its safety and efficacy. Closing date for comments is 24th March 2009.

Insertion of individually magnetic resonance imaging designed unicompartmental interpositional implant in osteorthritis of the knee (24th February 2009)
The Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee has considered this procedure and NICE has now issued a consultation document about its safety and efficacy. Closing date for comments is 24th March 2009.

Percutaneous endoscopic laser cervical discectomy (24th February 2009)
NICE has reveiwed this guidance that was published in June 2004 and has now issued a consultation document about its safety and efficacy. Closing date for comments is 24th March 2009.

Percutaneous mitral valve leaflet repair for mitral regurgitation (24th February 2009)
The Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee reconsidered this procedure in light of comments received during the initial consultation in January 2009. Nice have now issued a second consultation document about its safety and efficacy. Closing date for comments is 24th March 2009.

Depression in adults (update): draft guideline consultation (24th February 2009)
A clinical practice guideline on Depression in adults (update) is being developed for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Closing date for comments is 21st April 2009.

Endovascular stent - grafts for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneuryms Technology appraisal TA167 (25th February 2009)
Endovascular stent-grafts are recommended as a possible treatment for people with abdominal aortic aneurysms if:
  • the aneurysm is below their kidney and has not burst
  • surgery is appropriate, and
  • the person and their specialist have decided the risks and benefits of this and other procedures and decided that endovascular stent-grafts are appropriate

Amantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir for the treatment of influenza (review of existing guidance No. 58) Technology appraisal TA168 (25th February 2009)
NICE has said that its receommendations about oseltamivir and zanamivir should not reduce efforts to give vaccination to people for whom it is recommended in national guidelines. The guidance does not cover widespread epidemics.

Advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and treatment Clinical guideline CG81 (25th February 2009)
This guidance updates and replaces NICE technology appraisal guidance 63 (published May 2003), 54 (published December 2002) and 30 (published September 2001). The advice in the NICE guideline describes the tests, treatment, care and support that patients with advanced breast cancer should be offered. It does not specifically describe the care of patients with early breast cancer or those with rare or non-cancerous tumours of the breast.

Early and locally advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and treatment Clinical guideline CG80 (25th February 2009)
The advice in this guideline covers some of the tests and treatments that patients with early and locally advanced breast cancer should be offered, in particular:
  • reducing the amount of surgery under your arm
  • breast reduction when breast conservation is not possible
  • chemotherapy and endocrine treatments
  • biological treatments

Rheumatoid arthritis: the management of rheumatoid arthritis in adults Clinical guideline CG79 (25th February 2009)
The advice in the NICE guideline covers the care of adults with rheumatoid arthritis. It does not specifically look at other types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis.

Extracorporeal photopheresis for Crohn's disease Interventional procedures guidance IPG288 (25th February 2009)
Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. It is sometimes associated with other complications such as skin rashes and arthritis. In extracorporeal photopheresis blood is removed from the patient, then the white blood cells are separated from the whole blood, treated with ultraviolet light and re-infused into the patient.

Intraocular lens insertion for correction of refractive error, with preservation of the natural lens Interventional procedure guidance IPG289 (25th February 2009)
Short-sightedness is the inability to see clearly at a distance. Eyesight can usually be corrected by wearing spectacles or contact lenses. Insertion of a clear plastic lens in front of the existing lens is a procedure that aims to improve vision in short-sightedness.

Laparoscopic cystectomy Interventional procedure guidance IPG287 (25th February 2009)
This procedure is used to treat:
  • invasive bladder carcinoma
  • ongoing incontinence due to paraplegia, where catheterisation results in infection and ongoing leakage
  • refractory complications in a defunctionalized bladder, where urinary diversion is already established

Needle and syringe programmes: providing people who inject drugs with injecting equipment Public health guidance PH18 (25th February 2009)
The recommendations relate to people over the age of 18 who inject illicit substances and non-prescribed anabolic steroids. The guidance complements and supports, but does not replace NICE guidance on drug and substance misuse.

Commissioning Guides (February 2009)
NICE have published 2 new commissioning guides:
Consultation on the Topic Selection Process for Technology Appraisals (2nd March 2009)
This consultation document seeks views on some proposed changes to the way in which technology appraisal topics are selected for referral to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). Closing date for comments is 22nd May 2009.

Venous thromboembolism - reducing the risk: guideline consultation (2nd March 2009)
A clinical practice guideline on venous thromboembolism – reducing the risk is being developed for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to comment on the provisional recommendations. Closing date for comments is 27th April 2009.

Depression in chronic health problems: draft guideline consultation (3rd March 2009)
A clinical practice guideline on Depression in chronic health problems is being developed for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to comment on the provisional recommendations. Closing date for comments is 28th April 2009.

Breast cancer (advanced or metastatic) - lapatinib: final appraisal determination (5th March 2009)
After considering the feedback from consultation, the Appraisal Committee has prepared a Final Appraisal Determination (FAD) on Lapatinib for breast cancer (for use in women with previously treated advanced or metastatic breast cancer) and submitted it to the Institute.

The FAD has been sent to the formal consultees for this appraisal who have 15 working days to consider whether they wish to appeal against it. Subject to any appeal by consultees, the FAD may be used as the basis for the Institute's guidance on the use of the appraised technology in the NHS in England and Wales. The appeal period will close on 27th March 2009.

Venous thromboembolism - rivaroxaban: final appraisal determination (5th March 2009)
After considering the feedback from consultation, the Appraisal Committee has prepared a Final Appraisal Determination (FAD) on rivaroxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism and submitted it to the Institute.

The FAD has been sent to the formal consultees for this appraisal who have 15 working days to consider whether they wish to appeal against it. Subject to any appeal by consultees, the FAD may be used as the basis for the Institute's guidance on the use of the appraised technology in the NHS in England and Wales. The appeal period will close on 27th March 2009.


Gastrointestinal stromal tumours - sunitinib: appraisal consultation (5th March 2009)
The Department of Health has asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE or the Institute) to conduct a single technology appraisal (STA) of sunitinib for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours and provide guidance on its use to the NHS in England and Wales. The Appraisal Committee has had its first meeting to consider both the evidence submitted by the manufacturer and the views put forward by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators, and by the clinical specialist and patient expert representatives nominated for this appraisal by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators. The Committee has developed preliminary recommendations on the use of sunitinib for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Closing date for comments is 26th March 2009.

Hepatitis B - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate: appraisal consultation (5th March 2009)
The Department of Health asked the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE or the Institute) to conduct a single technology appraisal (STA) of tenofovir disoproxil for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and provide guidance on its use to the NHS in England and Wales. The Appraisal Committee has had its first meeting to consider both the evidence submitted by the manufacturer and the views put forward by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators, and by the clinical specialist and patient expert representatives nominated for this appraisal by non-manufacturer consultees and commentators. The Committee has developed preliminary recommendations on the use of tenofovir disoproxil for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Closing date for comments is 26th March 2009.

Providing public information to prevent skin cancer: consultation on the evidence (6th March 2009)
NICE was asked by the Department of Health (DH) to develop public health intervention guidance for the NHS and local authorities on the prevention of skin cancer in the general public with specific reference to:
  • provision of information
  • physical changes to the environment
  • supply of sun protection resources
Registered stakeholders are now invited to comment on the evidence that has been assembled to inform the development of the first piece of guidance (Provision of information). Closing date for comments is 3rd April 2009.

Psychosis with substance misuse: scope consultation (10th March 2009)
NICE have been asked to develop a clinical practice guideline on Psychosis with substance abuse for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The draft scope defines what aspects of care the guideline will cover and to whom it will apply. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to submit comments on the scope and may suggest clinical questions that could be answered in the guideline. Closing date for comments is 7th April 2009.

Latest implementation tools (11th March 2009)
Tools to aid implementation of recently published guidance.

Breast cancer - early: Costing tool and Slide set

Breast cancer - advanced: Costing tool and Slide set

Rheumatoid arthritis in adults: Costing tool

Influenza (treatment) zanamivir, amantadine and oseltamivir: Costing tool and Audit Support

Abdominal aortic aneurysms - endovascular stent-grafts: Costing tool and Audit Support

Needle and syringe programmes: Slide set


Breaking down barriers, driving up standards. The role of the ward sister and charge nurse (26th February 2009)
Ward sisters and charge nurses have many roles, but their responsibility is clear – to oversee patient care on a ward. This Royal College of Nursing report looks at how the role is working across different types of hospital trusts in England, including mental health, children and adult wards. The importance of the ward sister and charge nurse role applies universally, and where the role is supervisory, patient care benefits. The RCN worked with focus groups of charge nurses and ward sisters across England and the findings were validated by further groups of ward sisters and nurse directors. The report findings highlight that work urgently needs to done to strengthen and support the role for the delivery of high-quality nursing.


European Union Committee - Healthcare across EU borders: a safe framework - 4th Report of Session 2008-09 (24th February 2009)
Vol. I
Vol. II


Get well soon without antibiotics non-prescription pad (20th February 2009)
These 'non-prescriptions' can be given to patients who do not need a prescription for antibiotics.

How safe is your child at home? (February 2009)
Every year around one million children are taken to hospital after an accident at home. The vast majority of these accidents happen to under-fives.

This leaflet offers top tips room by room for parents and carers, and a few simple safety measures that can be used around the home to make it a safer place.


Organisation Patient Safety Incident Reports (6th March 2009)
From today, the National Patients Safety Agency (NPSA) will publish Organisation Patient Safety Incident Reports from each NHS Trust or local health board in England and Wales.
More information
Individual Trust Reports

New guidance following laxative errors in NHS (19th February 2009)
This guidance, from the NPSA, comes after 218 patient safety incidents and one death, between November 2003 and January 2009 involving oral bowel cleansing solutions.


:Pharmacy Practice 2008. Medicines focussed & Patient Centred. Pharmacy Practice Framework (17th February 2009)
This framework, published by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, defines the core common roles expected of a newly qualified pharmacist and aims to demonstrate their contribution to health and health care delivery.

The Contribution of Pharmacy to making Britain a Safer Place to Take Medicines (18th February 2009)
This report, from Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, calls for a five to 10 year action plan to be drawn up by pharmacists and other key healthcare providers to improve medicines safety. It also makes recommendations for further practice.

Impact assessment of pharmacy market exit policy (18th February 2009)


Poverty, inequality and policy since 1997 (25th February 2009)
This research shows what effect policies introduced since 1997 have had on reducing poverty and inequality. It offers a considered assessment of impacts over a decade:
  • How did policies change, before 1997 and since then?
  • What evidence is there of impacts on key outcomes?
  • What gaps or problems remain or emerged?


Citizens Advice Bureau mystery shopping of PCT helplines (19th February 2009)
Every primary care trust in England now runs a dental access helpline to help match up patients looking for NHS care with a dentist in their area. In August and September 2008, the Citizens Advice Bureau Service (CAB) undertook a mystery shopping exercise of 55 dental helplines across England, to see how effective these helplines are in providing patients with the information and advice they need to find a dentist. This is the report of the exercise.



LAC (DH)(2009)1: Transforming Adult Social Care (5th March 2009)
This Local Authority Circular sets out information to support councils and their partners in the ongoing transformation of adult social care as set out in Putting People First (2007), and preceding policy documents. It builds on Local Authority Circular (DH)(2008)1 and sets out, and reinforces the details of how the ring-fenced Social Care Reform Grant should continue to be used to help councils to redesign and reshape their systems over the remaining 2 years of the Grant. It also updates the information and support available to councils to drive the transformation of adult social care.

Transforming adult social care: access to information, advice and advocacy (March 2009)
The Transforming Adult Social Care Programme Board, the Association of Directors of Adults Social Services (ADASS), the Local Government Association (LGA), the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) and Counsel and Care commissioned research on information, advice and advocacy (IAA) for adult services and the delivery of Putting People First (2007).

This review aims to appraise the activity and research evidence in adult social care. It also examines whether there are any models of service provision which are considered good practice. The review draws together evidence from a range of sources including primary and secondary research.
Executive Summary


Health Statistics Quarterly No. 41 Spring 2009 (26th February 2009)

Conception rate increases among under 18s (26th February 2009)

Quarterly conceptions to women under 18 - Quarter 4 2007 (26th February 2009)

Hospital Episode Statistics HES (admitted patient care) England 2007/08 (25th February 2009)


Getting to grips with substance misuse among young people. The data for 2007/08 (March 2009)
Reliable statistics on young people under 18 who receive specialist support for drug and alcohol misuse have been scarce. To address this, the National Treatment Agency (NTA) started recording data in 2005/06. This report summarises the data for 2007/08, together with information about the different types of interventions and the context in which these young people misuse substances. This is thebaseline year for reporting this data. The NTA will continue to enhance the range and quality of this data in future years, in order to obtain a better understanding of drug and alcohol misuse among young people who access specialist substance misuse services. This in turn will help the NTA improve the support available to them.


Medical Training Initiative (26th February 2009)
The Medical Training Initiative is designed to allow a small number of doctors to enter the UK from overseas to benefit from training and development in NHS services, before returning to their home countries. It can support the UK’s international development objectives and helps foster exchange programmes between NHS and overseas organisations.

This document provides a general overview of the scheme.


World Health Organization: UK institutional strategy 2008-13 (24th February 2009)
The UK Government has recently agreed the first cross-Government Institutional Strategy (IS) with the World Health Organization (WHO). The overall aim of the strategy is to set out how the UK and WHO will work together, and to provide a basis for multi-year (2008-2013) core funding relationship with WHO.