This bulletin highlights recently produced documents that have appeared on websites. The aim is to trawl the web and produce a fortnightly review of what is found (coverage may not be comprehensive). If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Bulletin, please send an email to All links are correct at time of publishing. Some documents are large and may take time to open so please be patient when waiting for links to open. If a link is incorrect please email me and I will correct the link and send you the document.For those that are receiving this through an email or through a third party you can view the original Bulletin at and also sign up to receive the Bulletin by RSS.
Tackling alcohol harm: lessons from other fields (31st May 2009)This report examines how initiatives successfully used in other fields can help inform new strategies for tackling alcohol related harm.
The report includes:
- Details of approaches or initiatives that have attempted to change attitudes and behaviours in non-alcohol areas;
- Examination of the aims, theoretical rationale, methods, targeting, processes and effectiveness of each approach or initiative;
- An account of how policy and practice can have an impact on attitudes and behaviours and examination of lessons that can be used to tackle alcohol harms in the UK.
Expert Advisory Group on AIDS Annual Report 2008 (28th May 2009)This report from the Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (EAGA) covers the period 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008.
Report National Audit Office Annual Report 2009 (4th June 2009)The work of the National Audit Office, together with the Committee of Public Accounts, has led to savings and other gains for the taxpayer of £768 million.
Simply the breast (7th June 2009)Canterbury’s Riverside Children’s Centre is helping to boost local breastfeeding rates by training local mums to act as counsellors to their fellow parents. Through the programme, the peers run a weekly group and 24-hour phone line as well as visiting hospitals and antenatal classes to offer support.
Information Putting the 'super' into baby (7th June 2009)Coventry City Council is trying to boost breastfeeding rates, especially in deprived areas, by creating the Superbaby campaign. It involves a series of projects, including a directory of baby-friendly premises, DVDs and a social marketing campaign.
Voices into action (10th June 2009)The Care Quality Commission want the public to have a bigger say in how the health and social care services should be improved. This statement says that they will:
- involve the people who use care services in everything they do
- ensure that care services respond to what people tell them
World class commissioning monthly update May 2009 (28th May 2009)Monthly progress report on the world class commissioning programme.
UpdateCommissioning mental health care in the criminal justice system: 10 top tips for PCT Boards (3rd June 2009)Every year, primary care trusts in England commission health care for an average of 500 prisoners, 1,000 community sentenced offenders and some 10,000 people who are arrested by the police.
The Bradley Report laid down a challenge to the NHS to improve the quality of mental health care it offers to prisoners and offenders.
This brief guide sets out 10 questions PCT board members can ask to find out how well their PCT is serving prisoners and offenders in their area.
Brief The Intelligent Board 2009: Commissioning to reduce inequalities (11th June 2009)This new report, launched yesterday at the NHS Confederation conference in Liverpool, is produced by an independent reference group of experts and supported by Dr Foster. The report challenges Primary Care Trust (PCT) Boards to ask difficult questions about their understanding of health inequalities and offers solutions about how Boards might answer them.
The report is also supported by a website.
DocumentWebsitePrimary Care Service Framework: Alcohol (May 2009)This framework has been updated to include recent policy changes and includes enhanced tools to support implemenation.
Communities Progress Report (1st June 2009)In July 2008 the Government published the White Paper Communities in Control: Real People, Real Power which aims to pass power into the hands of local communities. It seeks to generate vibrant local democracy in every part of the country, and to give real control over local decisions and services to a wider pool of active citizens. This progress report sets out progress made since the publication of the White Paper and provides a timeline for future implementation.
The General and Specialist Medical Practice (Education, Training and Qualifications) Order 2010, and, The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Order of Council 2010 - a paper for consultation (4th June 2009)The draft section 60 Order makes provision in respect of postgraduate medical education and training; the General Practitioner Register and the Specialist Register. The draft Order of Council makes provision in respect of criteria for eligibility for entry onto the General Practitioner and the Specialist Registers; recognised specialist qualifications; acquired rights of general practitioners in the UK; specialties in which Certificates of Completion of Training are awarded and minimum training periods.
This paper considers the assimilation of the statutory functions of the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) into the General Medical Council (GMC). Closing date for comments is 28th August 2009.
Consultation Care Quality Commission: Consultation on new registration standards (1st June 2009)All regulated health and adult social care providers will be required by law to register with the Care Quality Commission from April 2010. This consultation seeks views on whether the Commission's guidance appropriately reflects the new registration standards and what should rightly be expected of a safe, quality care service. Closing date for comments is 24th August 2009.
Consultation Reforming the Medical Statement: Consultation (29th May 2009)This consultation seeks views on the design of the new medical ‘fit note’ that will replace the current ‘sick note’. Closing date for comments is 19th August 2009.
Department of Health business plan 2009-11 (11th June 2009)This plan outlines what the Department will do in the two years 2009-11 to lead and support the Government's objectives for health and social care, and to support Ministers in their accountability to the public and Parliament.
Swapping biscuits for fruit (7th June 2009)Swapping a chocolate biscuit for a piece of fruit is easy in principle, but getting kids to do it is another matter. However, that is just what is happening across Cheshire and Merseyside through the Snack Right campaign. This has held a series of fun activity days to promote healthy eating to parents and under-fives.
vCJD risk assessment calculations for a patient with multiple routes of exposure (9th June 2009)This paper was developed in response to a request from the CJD Incidents Panel following the finding of abnormal prion protein in the spleen of a patient with haemophilia. Assuming that the abnormal protein represents a marker of vCJD infection, the paper sets the various possible routes through which such infection could have occurred, and considers their relative likelihood in various scenarios.
Revalidation: Information for Doctors and Frequently Asked Questions (3rd June 2009)This comprehensive set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for doctors on revalidation has been published by the General Medical Council (GMC). They cover a wide range of issues including the timetable for implementing revalidation, how revalidation will work for doctors in different types of medical practice and the role of the Responsible Officer.
Document Women and Medicine: The Future (1st June 2009)New research from the Royal College of Physicians shows that women are to become the majority of all doctors sometime after 2017. Findings from the report show:
- Following present trends, women will make up the majority of general practitioners by 2013 and the majority of the medical work force some time after 2017.
- Women demonstrate a greater preference for part time and flexible working.
- Women prefer specialist fields that offer more 'plannable' working hours.
- Women make up 40% of all doctors, 42% of general practitioners and 28% of consultants.
Residential Drug Treatment Services: good practice from the field (June 2009)This report is based on interviews with the local drug partnerships and services that scored highly in the Tier 4 commissioning and provision theme of the 2007-08 Healthcare Commission and NTA service review. These partnerships and services described their practices, from which a number of key themes emerged. This report describes these themes, for commissioning and providing Tier 4 treatment.
Summary Measuring the harm from illegal drugs - A summary of the drug harm index 2006 (5th June 2009)This report summarises the harms of illegal drugs including drug-related crime, community perceptions of drug problems, drug nuisance and the various health consequences that arise from drug abuse.
Summary Indications of Public Health in the English Regions 10: Drug Use (10th June 2009)This tenth in a series of national reports produced for the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) by the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) is on drug use. The report contains 46 different indicators of drug use relating to the individual, community and population across all nine English regions; with additional analysis of sub-regional inequalities where possible. The Executive Summary is also available as a separate document.
Report Evaluation of Phase Two of the Liverpool Peer to Peer Project - May 2009 (9th June 2009)The Peer to Peer Project (P2P) was originally developed by Lighthouse Project (LHP) in 2006, to deliver a programme of training modules to past and current drug users in Liverpool and Sefton, with the main aims of challenging misinformation, increasing knowledge of safe drug using practices and encouraging the dissemination of this information throughout substance using communities. This report presents the evaluation findings of Phase Two of the P2P Project.
Emergency Services Review (3rd June 2009)The Emergency Services Review aims to provide focus and support to local health communities to improve the effectiveness of emergency care, enhance patient safety and achieve national emergency care standards.
The Health and Safety of Great Britain: Be part of the solution (3rd June 2009)This strategy has been designed to reduce the number of workplace accidents and take a common sense approach to ensuring that risk management is an enabler for business not a burden. It invites business to sign up to a pledge to show their commitment to keeping workplaces safe.
Bottle Feeding (3rd June 2009)The information in this leaflet will help you learn how to make up feeds as safely as possible to reduce the risks of giving formula milk to your baby.
Tackling healthcare associated infections through effective policy action (8th June 2009)The aim of this report is to examine the evidence base for the range of infection control policies, and identify areas for action in tackling the problem. It builds on the 2006 BMA Board of Science publication Healthcare associated infections - a guide for healthcare professionals which sets out the responsibilities healthcare professionals have in managing and reducing the incidence of HCAIs. As with other BMA Board of Science publications, this report is intended for policy makers with strategic or operational responsibility for public health in the UK, and will be of interest to healthcare professionals and patients.
Supporting people with autism through adulthood (5th June 2009)Estimates are that there are around 400,000 adults in England with autism, yet most NHS organisations and local authorities do not know how many people with autism there are in the areas they serve and ¾ of local authorities do not have a specific commissioning strategy for adults with autism, the National Audit Office (NAO) reported.
Government departments and local health and social care organisations do not have enough information on numbers of adults with autism. They also lack a full understanding and awareness of the condition, limiting their ability to plan and deliver services effectively.
The NHS Constitution: all you need to know about how the NHS Constitution affects you as a provider or commissioner of NHS care (28th May 2009)This leaflet is aimed at NHS staff. It gives background information about the NHS Constitution, and explains those parts that are most relevant to NHS staff.
Chest pain: draft guideline consultation (26th May)A clinical practice guideline on Chest pain/discomfort of recent onset is being developed for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to comment on the provisional recommendations via this website. Closing date for comments is 21st July 2009.
ConsultationExtracorporeal albumin dialysis for acute liver failure: interventional procedures consultation (27th May 2009)The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is examining extracorporeal albumin dialysis for acute liver failure and will publish guidance on its safety and efficacy to the NHS in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. NICE’s Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee has considered the available evidence and the views of Specialist Advisers, who are consultants with knowledge of the procedure. The Advisory Committee has made provisional recommendations about extracorporeal albumin dialysis for acute liver failure.
This document summarises the procedure and sets out the provisional recommendations made by the Advisory Committee. It has been prepared for public consultation. Closing date for comments is 24th June 2009.
ConsultationGastrointestinal stromal tumours - sunitinib: final appraisal determination (28th May 2009)After considering the feedback from consultation, the Appraisal Committee has prepared a Final Appraisal Determination (FAD) on Sunitinib for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumours and submitted it to the Institute.
The FAD has been sent to the formal consultees for this appraisal who have 15 working days to consider whether they wish to appeal against it. Subject to any appeal by consultees, the FAD may be used as the basis for the Institute's guidance on the use of the appraised technology in the NHS in England and Wales.
Closing date for comments is 10th June 2009.
FADPreventing children's unintentional injuries outside the home: draft scope consultation (28th May 2009)NICE is developing public health intervention guidance preventing unintentional injuries outside the home among children and young people aged under 15.
All registered stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft scope. Closing date for comments is 25th June 2009.
ConsultationResources and environmental changes to prevent skin cancer: draft scope consultation (28th May 2009)NICE is developing public health intervention guidance on sun protection resources and environmental changes to prevent skin cancer for NHS and local authorities.
All registered stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft scope. Closing date for comments is 25th June 2009.
ConsultationColorectal cancer (first line) - cetuximab: final appraisal determination (1st June 2009)After considering the feedback from consultation, the Appraisal Committee has prepared a Final Appraisal Determination (FAD) on cetuximab for the first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer and submitted it to the Institute.
The FAD has been sent to the formal consultees for this appraisal who, for this appraisal, have 20 working days to consider whether they wish to appeal against it. Subject to any appeal by consultees, the FAD may be used as the basis for the Institute's guidance on the use of the appraised technology in the NHS in England and Wales. Closing date for comments is 19th June 2009.
FADAutism spectrum disorders in children and young people: draft scope consultation (9th June 2009)NICE have been asked to develop a clinical practice guideline on Autism spectrum disorders in children and young people for use in the NHS in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The draft scope defines what aspects of care the guideline will cover and to whom it will apply. Registered stakeholders for this guideline are invited to submit comments on the scope and may suggest clinical questions that could be answered in the guideline. Closing date for comments is 9th June 2009.
Pandemic influenza: recommendations on the use of antiviral medicines for pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and children under the age of one year (8th June 2009)This document is a supplement to the Department of Health guidance: Pandemic influenza: guidance on preparing maternity services. It reinforces and clarifies the advice in the main guidance, and provides advice for the use of antiviral medicines in women who are breastfeeding. It also gives details of the safety and efficacy of these medicines.
Guidance Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Swine Flu A/H1N1 (29th May 2009)This page gaves information:
- Breastfeeding and Swine Flu
- Antiviral treatment
- Reducing the risk of transmission from mother to baby
- Pregnancy and Swine Flu
DH advice for toddlers and young children (1-5 years) to avoid rice drinks due to risk of exposure to inorganic arsenic (27th May 2009)The Department of Health advises that all toddlers and young children should avoid the consumption of rice drinks in order to minimise their exposure to inorganic arsenic. This follows research published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) looking at levels of arsenic in rice drinks.
Supporting patients to make informed choices in primary care: what works? (2nd June 2009)This report, from Health Services Management Centre, found that while most patient information is provided in the form of written leaflets or via the internet, around one in five British people do not have basic literacy and struggle to read, and one thirs of households do not have a home internet connection.
Most people prefer to get information about local services from a health professional, such as their GP but the report found that many health professionals are not adequately fulfilling this role.
NICE Clinical Guideline 85: Glaucoma - Quick reference sheet for pharmacists (2nd June 2009)The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has published new guidance for pharmacists advising patients about the signs, symptoms and treatments for glaucoma.
The guidance provides information about the condition and how it is managed, as well as covering health education advice, the contraindications and side-effects of treatments, issues around medicines adherence, key advice for patients and further sources of help and advice.
Dancing your way to fitness (7th June 2009)Research shows that a boogie is as good as a gym workout. Mendip District Council is getting local people fit by encouraging them onto the dance floor. The Community Dance programme runs a series of classes in village halls and community centres for all ages. They offer everything from ballet to street dance.
GP patient survey: guidance for PCTs on QOF patient experience indicators (3rd June 2009)Interim guidance to support verification of QOF indicators related to the GP patient survey.
Guidance Variation notices for GDS contracts and PDS agreements to bring contracts in line with current regulations (29th May 2009)PCTs may wish to review their existing contracts and agreements and use the templates to update contracts and agreements to reflect changes made to relevant regulations mainly with effect from April 2009.
Information book for prisoners with a disability (5th June 2009)Offender Health and the Prison Reform Trust have recently published two new information books for prisoners with a disability. The first book is a short, easy-read version (blue book) for prisoners with learning disabilities,the second book (purple book) contains more in depth detail for prisoners on their health, daily life, and how to get help in prison and on release.
Health Risk Perception and Environmental Problems: Findings from 10 case studies in the North West of England (5th June 2009)This report is based on the findings from ten case studies in the north west of England. One of the most important findings is the important effect of risk perception on well-being.
Expectations & Aspirations: Public attitudes towards social care (28th May 2009)In advance of the publication of a government Green Paper on social care, ippr and Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP commissioned research to explore public levels of awareness and understanding of social care provision. The findings expose a lack of awareness about social care, confusion about how services are funded and a widespread lack of preparation or planning for future care needs.
AACCE (non-opiate) substance use in the North West of England (10th June 2009)This report details the demographic profile, referral sources in, and the exit status upon leaving, of those individuals in contact with structured treatment stating non-opiate substance use, incorporating Alcohol Amphetamines, Cannabis, Cocaine and Ecstasy (AACCE). Analysis was conducted to compare this AACCE group to those in treatment who have entered due to opiate use to determine whether AACCE clients are a distinct group when compared to opiate users, who constitute the majority of those in structured drug treatment.
Health and Sustainability Factsheet 2: May 2009 (25th May 2009)This issue of the Health and Sustainability Factsheet deals with public health aspects of sustainable buildings.
Sustainable Development Action Plan 2007-08 Progress Report (2nd June 2009)This document is a report on the Department’s progress in implementing its Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan for 2007-08. Departments are required to make this information public by the Sustainable Development Commission, which publishes details on its website and provides constructive feedback.
Teenage Pregnancy Interactive Mapping Updates (3rd June 2009)East Midlands Public Health Observatory (EMPHO) has updated the local authority part of the national Teenage Pregnancy Interactive Mapping Tool to include the latest released ONS conception data (2007), along with a number of new features which include:
- Choice of geopgraphic level of atlas (County or District)
- Inclusion of GCSE achievement 5 A*-C including English & Maths indicator (in addition to overall 5 A*-C GCSE achivement)
- Inclusion of school absence indicators