27 May 2009


This bulletin highlights recently produced documents that have appeared on websites. The aim is to trawl the web and produce a fortnightly review of what is found (coverage may not be comprehensive). If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Bulletin, please send an email to library.pct@sthk.nhs.uk. All links are correct at time of publishing. Some documents are large and may take time to open so please be patient when waiting for links to open. If a link is incorrect please email me and I will correct the link and send you the document.

For those that are receiving this through an email or through a third party you can view the original Bulletin at http://www.newdocumentsbulletin.blogspot.com/ and also sign up to receive the Bulletin by RSS.


The Year 2008/09 (20th May 2009)
The Year 2008/09 was launched on Wednesday 20 May 2009 at the annual NHS Chief Executives' Conference.

The report sets out key achievements over the year like reducing healthcare associated infections, achieving 18 weeks referral to treatment and extending GP opening hours. It also sets out plans for making quality the organising principle of the NHS, responding to the recommendations of the Next Stage Review, and reflects on the challenges facing the NHS going forward.
Annual Report

The Faculty of Public Health Annual Report 2008 (May 2009)


Medical Directors' Bulletin, Issue 93, May 2009 (20th May 2009)


Category C Ambulance Service User Survey 2008 (13th May 2009)
This is the first national survey which specifically targeted people whose conditions were assessed by ambulance call handlers as Category C. The results show that most of those who responded to the survey had a positive experience of the way they were looked after by the emergency ambulance service.

Survey of adult inpatients 2008 (13th May 2009)
According to a survey published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) today, more patients have rated their hospital wards and bathrooms as "very clean" and have noticed doctors and nurses washing their hands between patients. However, despite some improvements, the NHS needs to do more to ensure hospital food is consistently of good quality and that patients are sent copies of letters between hospitals and GPs.

Review of the involvement and action taken by health bodies in relation to the case of Baby P (13th May 2009)
This report covers the four trusts that provided Peter's NHS care. Since Peter's death, the report shows that trusts have taken some measures to improve their child protection procedures, however more work needs to done to:
  • ensure sufficient staffing levels
  • improve attendance of healthcare staff at child protection case conferences
  • address communication problems when making referrals


Cancer Commissioning Toolkit (April 2009)
This site is aimed at supporting World-class Commissioning of cancer services across the NHS by making information on cancer care in England freely available. It includes a range of high-level indicators, as well as a number of links to more detailed information, right across the patient’s journey: from prevention and screening through referral and treatment to living with and beyond cancer, as well as end of life care.

Deed of variation for 2008 NHS standard acute contract (19th May 2009)
This suite of documents is for those commissioners and providers who entered into the acute services contract that was published in December 2007, who are now working to a document that does not reflect changes brought about by the operating framework for 2009-1010.

New Commissioning Guide from NICE (April 2009)
NICE have published a new commissioning guide "Smoking cessation service for people having elective surgery". The guide:
  • makes the case for commissioning a smoking cessation service for people having elective surgery
  • specifies service requirements
  • helps determine local service levels
  • helps ensure corporate and quality assurance.


Consultation on how alcohol is sold and supplied (13th May 2009)
This consultation looks at proposed changes to the law regarding alcohol sales. The new code will contain both mandatory and optional local licensing rules and requirements. The views of health bodies, third sector organisations, plice, licensing authorities, alcohol retail industry and members of the public are being sought. Closing date for comments is 5th August 2009.


Review of the European Data Protection Directive (12th May 2009)
This review of the strengths and weakness of the EU Data Protection Directive is published by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Among its recommendations, the report proposes that:
  • the law should be clear about the outcomes it seeks;
  • there should be stronger focus on the accountability of all organisations for safeguarding the information they handle;
  • a more strategic approach to enforcement is needed; and
  • improved arrangements are needed for the export of personal data outside the European area.


Arsenic in rice research published (21st May 2009)
The Food Standards Agency (FSA)has published results from two studies:
  • Arsenic levels in rice drinks
  • Cooking methods to reduce arsenic levels in rice
As a result of the first study, the FSA recommends that toddlers and young children should not have rice drinks.
The FSA is not advising anyone to change the way they cook rice as a result of the second study.


Housing for disabled children and their families: an information resource (15th May 2009)
An overview of information about housing for disabled children and their families, and ideas for improving their circumstances.
The purpose of the resource is to raise awareness of this important aspect of community care and to help non-specialists find out more about promoting positive change in this complex field.
The information resource contains:
  • a summary of research evidence about the housing circumstances of disabled children and their families;
  • an indication of the role of front-line workers in relation to housing for disabled children and their families;
  • potential ways of improving housing, including moving house and adapting a family’s existing home;
  • a summary of the relevant law in England;
  • a series of case studies to help consolidate and expand knowledge of some of the issues involved; and
  • guidance on running workshops to provide information to interested practitioners and families.

What makes my family stronger (20th May 2009)
This report, from Contact a Family (Every Disabled Child Matters partner organisation), states that families with disabled children in the UK feel stigmatised and shut out from society. Key findings from the report include:
  • Almost 70% of families with disabled children said that understanding and accpetance of disability from their community or society is poor or unsatisfactory
  • Over 60% of families said they don't feel listened to by professionals
  • Vital support services such as short breaks; a key worker; and childcare are unavailable to almost half of families
  • Over 60% of families said they don't feel valued by society in their role as carers
  • Half of families with disabled children said the opportunity to enjoy play and leisure together is poor or unsatisfactory.


Food Handlers: Fitness to Work - A Practical Guide for Food Business Operators (14th May 2009)
People who work around open food while suffering from certain infections (mainly from bacteria and viruses) can contaminate the food or surfaces the food may come into contact with. The Agency has published revised 'Food Handlers: Fitness to Work' guidance to help prevent the spread of infection to other people through food.

The guidance aims to help managers and staff to prevent the spread of infection by advising which illnesses and symptoms staff should report and what managers should do in response.


Urgent care - a practical guide to transforming same-day care in general practice (May 2009)
This report, published by the Primary Care Foundation, will be launched at a workshop on 25th June. The report focused on three questions concerning patients who contacted their practice with an urgent need:
  • Will they get through?
  • Will they be identified?
  • Will they be seen rapidly?
Recommendations included that practices should:
  • Address the urgent needs of a patient
  • Match capacity to demand
  • Ensure that the full range of cases that might need urgent attention will reliably be recognised by staff
  • Set deadlines for assessment and intervention and measure performance against these
  • Review and audit the processes to refine the way they operate


Heatwave plan for England 2009 (19th May 2009)
The Plan's purpose is to enhance resilience in the event of a heatwave. It is an important component of overall emergency planning; and will become increasingly relevant in adapting to the impact of climate change.


Government Response to The Health Select Committee Report on Health Inequalities (22nd May 2009)
This response to the Health Select Committee (HSC) report on health inequalities was laid before Parliament on 18 May. The response addresses in turn each of the conclusions and recommendations of the HSC report.



ARTICLE - Promoting health in early-stage dementia: evaluation of a 12 week course (March 2009)
This project tested a 12-week health promotion course for older adults with earlystage dementia. The results found some significant positive differences in the health behaviors for the treatment group. Please note that you will need an NHS Athens ID to access the fulltext of the article - alternatively please contact your local health library. To find your local health library please click here.


Understanding what matters: a guide to using patient feedback to transform care (22nd May 2009)
Last autumn, health secretary Alan Johnson said he wanted to see NHS Trusts collecting and using “immediate feedback” from patients to drive service improvement. The guide sets out best practice in terms of collecting, analysing and using patient feedback to transform services. It also includes examples of how the NHS is already using feedback from patients to get results.


Alcohol-use disorders (prevention): consultation on the evidence (19th May 2009)
NICE was asked by the Department of Health (DH) to develop public health programme guidance on Alcohol use disorders in adults and young people: prevention and early identification. Registered stakeholders are now invited to comment on the assembled evidence. Closing date for comments is 17th June 2009.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes: preventing pre-diabetes - draft scope consultation (20th May 2009)
NICE is developing public health programme guidance on the prevention of type 2 diabetes: preventing pre-diabetes among high-risk groups. Registered stakeholders are invited to comment on the draft scope. Closing date for comments is 18th June 2009.

Hepatitis B - tenofovir disoproxil fumarate: final appraisal determination (26th May 2009)
After considering the feedback from consultation, the Appraisal Committee has prepared a Final Appraisal Determination (FAD) on Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for the treatment of hepatitis B and submitted it to the Institute.
The FAD has been sent to the formal consultees for this appraisal who have 15 working days to consider whether they wish to appeal against it. Subject to any appeal by consultees, the FAD may be used as the basis for the Institute's guidance on the use of the appraised technology in the NHS in England and Wales. Closing date for comments is 9th June 2009.

Recognition and assessment of coeliac disease - Clinical Guideline CG86 (27th May 2009)
This guideline offers best practice advice on the recognition and assessment of coeliac disease and the care of children and adults who are undergoing the diagnostic process for coeliac disease.

The acute management of patients with chronic (longer than 6 weeks) non-specific low back pain - Clinical Guideline CG88 (27th May 2009)
This guideline is about the care and treatment that people who have persistent non-specific low back pain can expect from the NHS in England and Wales to help them manage their pain.

Type 2 diabetes - newer agents for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes - Clinical Guideline CG87 (27th May 2009)
NICE clinical guideline 87 partially updates NICE clinical guideline 66 and replaces it. This guidance was developed by the National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions. Details of the methods and evidence used to develop the recommendations are in the full guideline for CG66. The recommendations on DPP-4 inhibitors (sitagliptin, vildagliptin), thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone, rosiglitazone), exenatide and insulin were developed by the Centre for Clinical Practice at NICE. Details of the methods and evidence used to develop these recommendations are in the short guideline for CG87.

Percutaneous endoscopic laser lumbar discectomy - Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG300 (27th May 2009)
Symptomatic thoracic disc herniation is when one of the discs in the bottom of the back which act as cushions between the bones bursts and pushes against the spinal cord or nerve roots that run through the backbone, causing: pain in the neck or back, weakness and numbness in the arms or legs, or bladder problems.

The aim of a percutaneous endoscopic laser discectomy is to remove the part of the disc that is pushing against the spinal cord or nerve root. A small cut is made in the skin and special equipment including a laser is used to heat and destroy some of the disc and remove the part that is sticking out to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve root.


Percutaneous laser revascularisation for refractory angina pectoris - Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG302 (27th May 2009)
Patients with refractory angina pectoris have chest pain (because of insufficient oxygen delivery to their heart muscle) that cannot be controlled by optimal medical or surgical management. Percutaneous laser revascularisation involves insertion of a catheter into major vessels of the groin, which is advanced to the heart, to drill holes on the heart muscle using a laser beam. The aim is to enable blood flow from the heart chambers into the heart muscle, to relieve myocardial ischaemia and reduce chest pain.

Tenotomy of horizontal eye muscles for nystagmus (with reattachment at their original insertions) - Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG299 (27th May 2009)
Nystagmus is the involuntary movement of the eyes (most commonly from side to side) and is usually associated with impaired vision. Tenotomy involves cutting the horizontal muscles of the eye (which move the eye from side to side) and reattaching them at the same place. The aim of the procedure is to improve vision.

Transmyocardial laser revascularisation for refractory angina pectoris - Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG301 (27th May 2009)
Patients with refractory angina pectoris have chest pain (because of insufficient oxygen delivery to their heart muscle) that cannot be controlled by optimal medical or surgical management. Transmyocardial laser revascularisation involves open heart surgery to drill holes on the heart muscle using a laser beam, with the aim of enabling blood flow from the heart chambers into the heart muscle, to relieve myocardial ischaemia and reduce chest pain.


Public Accounts Committee - Financial Management in the NHS: Report on the NHS Summarised Accounts 2007-08 - Twenty-second report of session 2008-09 (21st May 2009)


Heatwave: a guide to looking after yourself and others during hot weather (19th May 2009)
This leaflet provides useful information and advice on the hazards of a heatwave, how to recognise the symptoms of heat exhausation and heat stroke, and how to deal with the effects of too much heat.


Local Pharmaceutical Services Model Contract (18th May 2009)
This document is a model contract offered by the Department of Health as a template for a Local Pharmaceutical Services scheme. If PCTs are considering commissioning LPS services they may wish to use it. It reflects the mandatory terms for any LPS contract.

Guidance and competences for the provision of services using Pharmacists with Special Interests (PhwSIs) - People with skin conditions (May 2009)
This guidance is the latest in a series of frameworks for pharmacists with special interests. These frameworks aim to facilitate the delivery and accreditation of services in primary and community settings.


Reviews published on primary care information for the public (13th May 2009)
Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) has recently completed a series of evidence reviews exploring the provision of public information about the quality of primary care services. Each review addresses a specific question including: what information about the quality of primary care services do patients and the public want; which information formats are most accessible and effective; and how can information be presented to empower patients to make an informed choice of primary care provider?


PCT Performance - Quick Guides (May 2009)
NHS London has created these Quick Guides as an aid to improving PCT performance against a series of Annual Health Check targets. The Commissioning Performance Directorate has worked with PCTs and clinicians to condense existing guidance into a practical and user friendly guide covering the essential issues to improve performance.


EVENT - Healthy lives for under fives (12th May 2009)
This event, from Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Network, took place at Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool on 12th May. These are the presentations from the event.


Quality Indicators published (May 2009)
The Department of Health and the NHS Information Centre have published a list of 232 indicators of high quality care, intended to help clinicians drive up the quality of care they deliver to patients.


Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme: overview of Phase 1 sites (20th May 2009)
Care Services Minister Phil Hope announced on 9 February 2009 that nine local authority led partnerships have been selected as phase 1 of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults (CAF) Demonstrator Site Programme.

The new registration system for health and adult social care (15th May 2009)
From April 2010, a new system of regulation for health and adult social care in England comes into force for the NHS.

This will require all providers of certain health and adult social care activities to register with the Care Quality Commission in order to provide services.

The Department of Health is now consulting on the draft regulations. The draft, which is subject to parliamentary approval, will provide the detailed legal basis for the new system together with some associated policy proposals to support the registration framework.


Social Exclusion and the economic downturn (19th May 2009)
The social exclusion and the economic downturn study focuses on preventing the recession from triggering long term social exclusion. The Social Exclusion Task Force held a seminar on Tuesday 19th May 2009 to share insights and evidence on the links between recession and long term social exclusion. This is the report and one of the presentations from the seminar.


General Ophthalmic Services: Workforce Statistics for England and Wales, 31 December 2008 (21st May 2009)

NHS Dental Statistics for England - Quarter 3, 31 December 2008 (21st May 2009)

Quarterly population estimates (experimental) - Q1 2009 (20th May 2009)

GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiry 2006/07 - Final Report (19th May 2009)

Accident and Emergency Activity - Quarter ending March 2009 (15th May 2009)

Provisional Monthly Hospital Episode Statistics for Admitted patient care and outpatient data, April - January 2008/09 (15th May 2009)


All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse. The future of alcohol treatment services (May 2009)
This inquiry report is the first to be published by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse. Some of the recommendations from the Group are:
  • Government needs clear cross-deparmental leadership to tackle England's growing alcohol problem.
  • All primary healthcare services should understand and be able to deliver Screening and Brief Interventions (SBI).
  • All PCTs areas should have effective specialist alcohol services which are accessible to local communities
  • There needs to be an ongoing training programme for alcohol commissioners
  • The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) should look at how the Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF) for GPs can be amended to help tackle alcohol misuse.


62nd World Health Assembly (22nd May 2009)
The 62nd session of the World Health Assembly took place during 18-22 May 2009. A number of public health issues were discussed, including:
  • pandemic influenza preparedness
  • implementation of the International Health Regulations
  • primary health care
  • social determinants of health
  • monitoring the achievement of the health-related Millennium Development Goals