4 February 2010


This bulletin highlights recently produced documents that have appeared on websites. The aim is to trawl the web and produce a fortnightly review of what is found (coverage may not be comprehensive). If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this Bulletin, please send an email to library.pct@sthk.nhs.uk. All links are correct at time of publishing. Some documents are large and may take time to open so please be patient when waiting for links to open. If a link is incorrect please email me and I will correct the link and send you the document.

For those that are receiving this through an email or through a third party you can view the original Bulletin at http://www.newdocumentsbulletin.blogspot.com/ and also sign up to receive the Bulletin by RSS.


Annual audit letters 2008/09 (29th January 2010)
The Audit Commission publish annual audit letters to enhance the openness and transparency of the audit process, for which they have overall responsibility. Annual audit letters summarise key matters arising from the yearly audit in clear language for executives and stakeholders.
Audit letters



An evaluation of the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative test community projects: report of the baseline patient experience survey (20th January 2010)
43% of cancer survivors responding to a recent survey conducted by the Picker Institute Europe said they would have liked more information and advice, 75% did not have, or did not know if they had a care plan and 75% reported not knowing who to contact for advice out of hours.

So, whilst it’s extremely encouraging to note that 85% of patients said their follow up care was ’excellent’ or ‘very good’, there is clearly much work to do ensure all receive care that is truly patient-centred.
Press release


'Count me in' census 2009 (21st January 2010)
This report finds that the NHS, councils and wider community bodies should work together to improve preventative services to ensure that they meet the mental health needs of people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups.


Integrated care pilots expansion (2nd February 2010)
Following successes in the original 16 ICPs the programme has been expanded to encourage and facilitate the sharing of knowledge amongst a wider range of stakeholders nationally and identify further innovative initiatives. The Department of Health are now inviting sites to send us their completed self-assessment forms in order to join the expanded community. Further guidance on the submission process is detailed within the tool documentation.


Giving children a healthy start (3rd February 2010)
This report assesses the local implementation of national policy from 1999 to 2009 on the health of children from birth to five years of age in England. It examines local service planning and delivery, including priority setting, and how local bodies can improve service delivery and access for vulnerable groups such as black and minority ethnic (BME) communities, lone and teenage parents. The report discusses the impact of government funding on health outcomes for the under-fives; how effectively local bodies manage their resources; and the extent to which they are providing good value for money. It provides recommendations for national and local bodies, as well as examples of notable practice.

Small steps towards a healthier life (2nd February 2010)
The Food Standards Agency has officially launched SmallSteps4Life – an interactive website to motivate young people to take simple steps towards improving their health and well-being, both inside and outside the classroom.

Promoting the emotional health of children and young people: guidance for Children's Trust partnerships, including how to deliver (January 2010)
The emotional health of children and young people is increasingly recognised as being fundamental to the wellbeing and future prospects of individuals and communities. Emotional health is nurtured primarily in the home, but we know that practitioners and services can and do make a difference.

This non-statutory guidance is for directors and assistant directors of children’s services, directors of public health, commissioning managers in local authorities and Primary Care Trusts. It aims to help Children’s Trust partners to develop a strategic approach to improving the emotional health of children and young people, in line with the aims of NI 50.


Standards for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (21st January 2010)
New Standards for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are now available to support the commissioning and provision of high quality care for STIs across all settings.

Final report of the Expert Group on Commissioning NHS Infertility Provision (28th January 2010)
Following the issue of its interim report in 2008, and the publication of a commissioning aid in June 2009, the final report of the independent expert group on commissioning NHS infertility provision is now available to download below. Key points include:
  • the development of a national tariff for regulated fertility services
  • a project to share information on local prices and tariffs on an anonymised basis to help PCTs assess whether their local prices are a fair reflection of the national pattern
  • sharing information gained from research to help commissioners
  • the availability of support for commissioners from expert patients


Consultation report on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Parental Orders) Regulations 2010 (28th January 2010)
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Parental Orders) Regulations 2010 were published in draft for public consultation between 1 September 2009 and 23 November 2009. This report summarises responses received to the consultation.

Subject to Parliamentary approval it is anticipated these Regulations will come into force on 6 April 2010.

Reforming the Medical Statement. Government response to the consultation on draft regulations: The Social Security (Medical Evidence) and the Statutory Sick Pay (Medical Evidence) (Amendment) (29th January 2010)
Between 28 May 2009 and 31 August 2009 the Government undertook a consultation on draft regulations that will support the revised medical statement. The aim is for the revised medical statement to allow a doctor to consider not only whether their patient is unfit for work, but also whether their patient may be able to do work based on the doctor’s assessment of the patient’s health condition; it also simplifies the suite of medical statements.

The Social Security (Medical Evidence) and the Statutory Sick Pay (Medical Evidence) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 come into effect on 6 April 2010.

This document describes the comments made by respondents and provides the Government’s response.

PbR data assurance framework consultation for 2010/11 onwards (28th January 2010)
The Audit Commission launched a consultation on the Payment by Results (PbR) data assurance framework for 2010/11 onwards in Autumn 2009. This document is the response to the consultation.


Charging arrangements for residential social care: consultation on issues concerning the current charging arrangements for residential social care (29th January 2010)
The Department of Health began a 12 Week consultation on 29 January 2010 concerning the charging arrangements for residential social care. Views are sought on proposed amendments to the residential charging arrangements suggested by a stakeholder group. The consultation will close on 23 April 2010.

Sex and Relationships Education Guidance (25th January 2010)
The purpose of this consultation is to gather views on the draft document, Sex and Relationships Education Guidance. This document provides guidance to maintained primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units (PRUs) in England on all matters relating to SRE, including how good quality SRE can be planned and delivered, how to develop an SRE policy and how to support the health and social needs of all pupils with regard to sex and relationships. It is relevant to all staff, particularly senior managers and those responsible for co-ordinating, teaching and supporting the delivery of SRE. Headteachers and governing bodies are required by law to have regard to the guidance.

Closing date for comments is 19th April 2010

Support for All: Families and Relationships Green Paper (20th January 2010)
This Green Paper sets out a wide range of measures to support all families as they bring up their children and to help families cope with times of stress and difficulty. The proposals recognise that while all families need some help, there are families in our society with complex needs and others who require additional - and sometimes non-negotiable - support.

Closing date for comments is 21st April 2010.

Assessments of quality in 2010/11. Our proposals for the assessment of commissioners and providers of health and adult social care(2nd February 2010)
This consultation, from the Care Quality Commission, looks at their proposals for assessing quality in 2010-11 and beyond. The consultation details how they propose to assess the quality of:
  • Councils as commissioners
  • PCTs as commissioners
  • NHS trusts and PCTs as providers
  • Adult social care organisations as providers
Closing date for comments is 27th April 2010.


Citizens' forum findings on front-of-pack nutrition labelling (28th January 2010)
The Food Standards Agency has published the latest report of people's views on food labels and their awareness and understanding of front-of-pack nutrition labelling. This is part of a nationwide series of 'citizens' forums' set up to establish a dialogue with the public on food.


Can equity release help older home-owners improve their quality of life? (28th January 2010)
Around a million older home-owners have at least £100,000 of housing equity, yet they can’t afford the practical help they need to enjoy a good quality of life at home.

This Solutions document reveals how JRF has been working with local authorities, the equity release industry, voluntary bodies and relevant government departments to develop equity release packages that help older people access funds without threatening their entitlement to benefits.


Delivering better care at end of life. The next steps (27th January 2010)
The document includes papers given at the Sir Roger Bannister Summit at Leeds Castle in November 2009 and an account of the debate generated. The summit, organised by The King's Fund covered issues including commissioning, hospice and hospital care, quality markers and challenges for providers. It identified 10 critical actions to help the successful implementation of the government's End of Life Care Strategy. This document should be invaluable for those seeking to improve the quality of the care offered to patients at the end of life.


Reforming general practice boundaries (26th January 2010)
Reforming the way in which GP practice boundaries divide primary care services between patients is an attractive prospect for politicians and the general public.

The current government in England has stated that it intends to remove these boundaries altogether, while the Conservative Party has declared that patients should be able to register with the practice most convenient to them.

This review, from the British Medical Association (BMA), explores the many consequences and potential opportunities that implementing this proposal presents.

The Future of General Practice in Northern Ireland (20th January 2010)
This strategy has been developed by the BMA(NI) and Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP(NI)) on the future of general practice.


Health Effects of Exposure to Ultrasound and Infrasound (1st February 2010)
The independent Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation (AGNIR), which reports to the Health Protection Agency, has reviewed the latest scientific evidence on the health effects of ultrasound (frequencies above 20 kilohertz) and infrasound (below 20 Hz).

The report finds that the available evidence does not suggest that diagnostic ultrasound affects mortality of babies during pregnancy or soon after birth. The evidence also does not suggest any effect on childhood cancer risk. There have, however, been some unconfirmed reports suggesting possible effects on the developing nervous system - for instance, on handedness of the child.

AGNIR concluded that there is no established evidence that diagnostic levels of ultrasound are hazardous. However, further research is needed to determine whether there are any long-term adverse health effects, especially following exposure of the unborn child.

Warrington - using libraries to raise health awareness (21st January 2010)
Warrington Borough Council used Communities for Health (C4H) funding to run a health programme based in its libraries.

Summary of insight research with middle aged adults (2nd February 2010)
Change4Life asked research company 2CV to carry out research to help inform a campaign aimed at adults. The research was carried out between July and October 2009 with middle aged men and women to investigate their habits and attitudes to diet, physical activity and weight status.

A liberal dose? Health and wellbeing: the role of the state (1st February 2010)
The role of the state in health and wellbeing is a complex and controversial issue. A difficult question for any government is how far to intervene in the choices and behaviour of individuals in order to promote their own, or others’, health. Good health is a vital ingredient of a good life – but so is freedom.

This report:
  • sets out evidence for what the public think about this question;
  • explores the key issues at stake and clarifi es principles for state intervention;
  • suggests a new framework to guide decision making; and
  • proposes a new narrative for future state intervention.

Influencing public behaviour to improve health and wellbeing (1st February 2010)
This independent report builds on current approaches, using the latest evidence from areas such as behavioural economics and psychology, to suggest ways in which the Government could become more effective in this area, to help people to make healthier choices where they wish to do so.

Enabling effective delivery of health and wellbeing (1st February 2010)
This independent report offers recommendations to the Secretary of State on how better to enable the delivery of improved health and wellbeing. The terms of reference for this report requested an assessment of the current opportunities and barriers in delivery systems, to identify where practical changes could be made to improve effectiveness.


Engaging and responding to your community: a brief guide to Local Involvement Networks (22nd January 2010)
Local Involvement Networks (LINks) exist in every local authority area of England to give people more influence over how their local health and social care services are planned and delivered.

This guide is for health and social care managers and explains more about LINks. It outlines how, through proactive engagement you can better understand the needs of your community. Working with your LINk should be a key part of commissioning, running and reviewing health and social care services.


Annual HPV vaccine uptake in England: 2008/09 (29th January 2010)
A summary of HPV vaccination uptake across England at PCT, SHA and national level for the first year of the programme. This includes additional data from Devolved Authorities and comparisons with available international equivalent programmes.

Changes to the Childhood Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (19th January 2010)
A letter to immunisation leads and coordinators to inform them of a replacement vaccine that will be introduced into the childhood routine immunisation programme in the spring.

Shingles vaccine moves a step closer (29th January 2010)
People aged between 70 and 79 could be offered protection against shingles for the first time as a vaccination programme moved a step closer the Public Health Minister Gillian Merron said today.

The move follows a recommendation made by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) that the vaccine should be offered to this age group if it can be bought at a price which makes the programme cost-effective.


Checklist for reporting, managing and investigating information governance serious untoward incidents (25th January 2010)
This document provides guidance for all NHS staff in managing information governance serious untoward incidents. It should be used in conjunction with previous issued guidance and local guidance issued by the SHAs.


Healthcare for people with learning disabilities: recommendations of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (27th January 2010)
The Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman's report, 'Six Lives', highlighted failings in health and social care services that led to premature and avoidable deaths of people with learning disabilities. These letters from David Behan and Anne Williams to SHA chief executives and Directors of Adult Social Services respectively set out the action needed to respond to the recommendations set out in the 'Six Lives' report. Directors of Adult Social Services are reminded of the need to work in partnership with NHS colleagues when reviewing and reporting progress on implementation of the Ombudsmen's recommendations. SHAs are asked to report on progress by March 2010.

Valuing people now: real jobs for people with learning disabilities (20th January 2010)
The Department of Health have today issued a letter from the National Director for Learning Disabilities to Directors of Adult and Children's social Services and Chief Executives of Local Authorities, Trusts and SHAs. This is an update on the Valuing Employment Now resource pack and a reminder of the business case for investment in supported employment. Employment will remain a top priority.


Sexuality - the new agenda (2nd February 2010)
“Sexuality – the new agenda” emphasises the need for a corporate approach to promoting equality. Once seen as a fringe issue of little relevance to the core business of local authorities, sexuality has been brought centre stage by recent legislative developments.

Lesbian, gay and bisexual equality is coming of age and can no longer be seen as an optional extra. Many successful initiatives have been undertaken by local authorities throughout England and Wales.

This publication aims to cover:
  • service delivery and customer care
  • community development and involvement
  • local authority employees
  • monitoring and evaluation.

Tackling Domestic Violence (28th January 2010)
About one in four women can become victims of domestic abuse. For many, the crime will go unreported and unnoticed. Three years ago Oxfordshire County Council and local partners decided more needed to be done to support women and their children. Their answer to the problem was the Domestic Abuse Champions Network.The scheme has created specialists in domestic abuse, in public and voluntary-sector organisations throughout the county.

There are now 250 trained champions from 35 different agencies. The champions include:
  • police officers
  • social workers
  • housing staff
  • midwives
  • health visitors


NHS Practitioner Health Programme. Report on the first year of operation (29th January 2010)
A service launched last year for doctors and dentists who are suffering from health problems has been successful in treating clinicians.

New findings published today (29 January) reveal that 77 per cent of practitioners who were assessed and treated by the NHS Practitioner Health Programme (PHP) for health problems were able to stay in or return to work.


Legislation on hospital environments for young mental health patients (27th January 2010)
This letter from David Flory and CNO informs how from 1 April 2010 legislation places a duty on hospital managers to ensure that under 18s are treated in an environment in hospital which is suitable having regard to their age (subject to their needs).

Eager for Radical Change - New Horizons Roundtable (1st February 2010)
The New Horizons programme aims to revolutionise mental health care.

Leading figures from a variety of organisations with an interest in the agenda and people with direct experience of mental distress gathered recently at a roundtable convened by the Guardian, in association with the National Mental Health Development Unit, on behalf of the Department of Health. The debate focused on New Horizons, which replaces the 10-year national service framework for mental health.

North West Mental Wellbeing Survey 2009 (25th January 2010)
The North West Mental Wellbeing Survey was undertaken in response to a growing need to understand more about positive mental health and wellbeing. With a total sample of 18,500 people across Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside, the survey is the largest, most significant and detailed investigation of the region's mental health and wellbeing ever undertaken. It identified differences between local areas, with people from Warrington emerging as having the highest overall mental wellbeing score in the North West and people in Liverpool the lowest.
Full Report (very large document)

Dementia 2010. The prevalence, economic cost and research funding of dementia compared with other major diseases (3rd February 2010)
The Alzheimer's Research Trust commissioned the Health Economics Research Centre at the University of Oxford to produce a report on the economic cost of dementia to the UK, and the country's investment in research to find new treatments, preventions and cures.

The Oxford team's findings are astonishing. They show dementia to be the greatest medical challenge of our time.
  • Over 820,000 people in the UK live with Alzheimer's and other dementias.
  • Dementia costs the UK economy £23 billion per year: more than cancer and heart disease combined.
  • Dementia research is severely underfunded, receiving 12 times less support than cancer research.

Delivering same-sex accommodation in mental health and learning disability services (25th January 2010)
The provision of same-sex accommodation across the NHS is a visible affirmation of the health service’s commitment to respecting the dignity and privacy of those who use its services. Service users’ experience while in care relates significantly to ward culture, staff attitudes and gender sensitivity, as well as physical arrangements for gender separation.

This Briefing summarises existing national policy and good practice on same-sex accommodation, explains what support is available to organisations that need to make improvements, and sets out what both providers and commissioners can do to ensure same-sex accommodation becomes a reality for all.

Postnote: Diagnosing Dementia (January 2010)
Dementia currently affects 700,000 people in the UK, yet only 1 in 3 cases receives a formal diagnosis from a doctor. Dementia costs the UK economy £17bn a year and is one of the main causes of disability in later life. A key aim of the Department of Health's 2009 National Dementia Strategy is early diagnosis. This is intended to improve quality of life through increased support, prevention of harm and reduction in care home admissions. This briefing outlines current diagnostic practices, research into newer tools and service provision proposals that aim to increase early diagnosis.


Clarification of Complaints Regulations 2009 (28th January 2010)
New regulations for handling NHS and adult social care complaints came into effect on 1 April 2009 - however, some local provider websites are still referencing the 2004 regulations. Additionally, clarification has been provided on the legislative position around complaints being handled by PALS, and cases where legal proceedings are being taken.

NHS reference costs 2008-09 (28th January 2010)
These documents provide details of how, and on what, almost £48 billion of NHS expenditure was used in the 2008-09 financial year.

As in previous years, the main purpose is to provide a basis for comparison within (and outside) the NHS between organisations, and down to the level of individual treatments.

NHS reference costs 2008-2009: Appendix DBRC Organisation Specific Reference Cost Data (28th January 2010)
This page contains the reference costs 2008-09 organisation level data that underpins the national averages. To reduce file sizes these have been zipped and are in csv format, a guidance sheet demonstrating how to upload these files into Microsoft Access is also supplied. This method of publication replaces the data DVD publication used in previous years.


NICE's original guidance on preventing fractures due to osteoporosis still stands following challenge (29th January 2010)
Following a legal challenge to the process used to produce NICE’s existing guidance on prevention of osteoporotic fractures, the original recommendations remain unchanged in the updated guidance documents published today (29 January 2010).

This means that postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at risk of fractures will continue to have access to a range of drugs to help either prevent them suffering a first fracture (primary prevention) or prevent further fractures after they have suffered one (secondary prevention). The guidance documents have been updated to reflect the Appraisal Committee’s consideration of the additional stakeholder comments received following a further consultation in line with the court judgement. The treatments NICE recommends for primary and secondary prevention of osteoporotic fractures are not affected, and the range of options still stands.
Press Release

Consultation Documents (21st January - 3rd February 2010)

NICE are now consulting on the following:

Rheumatoid arthritis - certolizumab pegol: final appraisal determination - closing date for comments is 4th February 2010

Stroke rehabilitation: scope consultation - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Lung cancer (non-small-cell, first line) - gefitinib: appraisal consultation document - closing date for comments is 18th February 2010

Mini-incision surgery for total knee replacement - Interventional Procedures Consultation Document - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Single port incision surgery for laparoscopic cholecystectomy - Interventional Procedure Consultation Document - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Circumferential epithelial radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's oesophagus - Interventional Procedures Consultation Document - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Therapeutic hypothermia with intracorporeal temperature monitoring for hyposic perinatal brain injury - Interventional Procedures Consultation Document - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Endoscopic saphenous vein harvest for coronary artery bypass grafting - Interventional Procedures Consultation Document - closing date for comments is 24th February 2010

Citizens Council report: smoking and harm reduction, with invitation to comment - closing date for comments is 31st March 2010

Clinical Guidelines CG92 Reducing the risk of venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) in patients admitted to hospital (27th January 2010)
This guidance is about the care and treatment of people who are at risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) while in hospital in the NHS in England and Wales.

The advice in the NICE guideline covers the care and treatment that should be offered to:
  • all adults (aged 18 and over) who are admitted to hospital as inpatients (including those admitted for day-case procedures).
It does not cover the care and treatment that should be offered to:
  • people under the age of 18
  • people attending hospital as outpatients
  • people attending emergency departments who are not admitted to hospital
  • older people who are cared for at home or in residential care homes
  • people who are immobile and are cared for at home or in residential care homes
  • people who are admitted to hospital because they have a diagnosis or signs and symptoms of DVT or pulmonary embolism.


Is 'Buffalo' the answer to obesity (28th January 2010)
There is no ‘quick fix’ to childhood obesity. However, the early signs are that a partnership between health and council officials in Burnley may be on the right track.


Pandemic H1N1 (2009) Influenza (27th January 2010)
This letter, from the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, provides an update on the next developments in the response to the swine flu pandemic.

A (H1N1) Swine Influenza: Current situation and next steps (28th January 2010)
With levels of influenza caused by the H1N1 (2009) pandemic virus in the community currently low, this letter, from the Chief Medical Officer, provides an update on the next developments in the response to the pandemic

A (H1N1) Swine Influenza: Current situation and next steps (27th January 2010)
Ian Dalton, National Director for NHS Flu Resilience, has today written out to Chief Executives of Primary Care Trusts in England to update them on the next steps in the response to the (H1N1) Swine Influenza pandemic

A (H1N1) Swine Influenza: Current situation and next steps (27th January 2010)
This letter, from the Director General Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships, details the next steps in the response to the (H1N1) Swine Influenza pandemic.

Pandemic flu training module for Mental Health Trusts, Tertiary and Associated Specialist Trusts (22nd January 2010)
This guidance is based on the recently updated guidance for Mental Health services on planning and responding to an outbreak of pandemic flu.



"Choosing your Hospital" leaflets and poster (20th January 2010)
Leaflets and posters with information on patients right to choose which hospital they attend.


Does the experience of staff working in the NHS link to the patient experience of care? An analysis of links between the 2007 acute trust inpatient and NHS staff surveys (2nd February 2010)
This report links the results of the 2007 acute inpatient and staff surveys using a series of statistical analyses intended to highlight the most important relationships between the two surveys.


Vaccine cold storage (21st January 2010)
New guidance, produced by the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) and frontline services across England and Wales, has been published today aimed at ensuring clinicians store vaccines at the recommended manufacturer temperature range.

The Rapid Response Report issued to all NHS acute and community organisations, as well as the independent sector, follows details received by the NPSA of 260 reported patient safety incidents between 1 January 2005 and 1 April 2009 of incorrect vaccine storage. During this time, 50 million doses of childhood vaccines were distributed across the UK.
News item


The Local Pharmaceutical Services (Essential Small Pharmacies) (Amendment) Directions 2010 (1st February 2010)
These Directions come into force today (1st February 2010)


Guidelines for the clinical management of people refusing food in immigration removal centres and prisons (29th January 2010)
Information, for health professionals in prisons and immigration removal centres, on the physical effects of food refusal, the most effective practical and clinical management of individuals refusing to eat and drink, legal aspects and the relevance of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It also addresses the considerable dangers and risks associated with refeeding individuals who have been starving but who then decide to eat again.


Commissioning - A survey of the views and experiences of providers of services to children, young people and families 2009 (28th January 2010)
This research aimed to gather robust evidence of providers’ views and experiences of being commissioned by local authorities and their Children’s Trusts partners in order to inform Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) development of commissioning policy. It also sought to identify why providers enter or leave markets, expand or retrench services, their view of the future and to assess Compact compliance.

A total of 1,500 providers (public, private and third sector) of selected services for children, young people and families in England in 2009 completed a telephone survey. To be eligible, providers had to have bid for or received funding from local authorities, other Children’s Trust partners or from schools in 08-09.


Health Profile 2009 - North West (26th January 2010)
This profile gives a snapshot of health in the North West. It is designed to help local government and primary care trusts tackle health inequalities and improve people’s health.

Modelled estimates and projections of CVD (25th January 2010)
Estimates and projections of the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) for all Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts in England. A technical document accompanies these.

EVENT - A new year, a new start for positive mental health & wellbeing (27th January 2010)
The programme and presentations from this event that was held at the Stobart Stadium, Widnes are now available.


Getting the measure of quality. Opportunities and challenges (21st January 2010)
Quality has been at the centre of recent NHS policy, and the NHS Next Stage Review highlighted the role of information and measurement in supporting quality improvement, particularly in relation to patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience. It is therefore important to be clear how quality can be measured and by whom – and how the information can be used to improve services.

Getting the Measure of Quality offers information about how quality is defined and how quality measures can be used – and misused. It sets out the main debates and choices faced by those involved in measuring and using data on quality and outlines some practical issues to be considered in choosing and using quality measures.


Imaging for acute kidney injury (acute renal failure): good practice recommendations for the National Imaging Board (4th February 2010)
These good practice recommendations support the implementation of existing guidelines as well as considering the possibility of "standardisation" of reporting to support optimal management of patients at the most appropriate part of the pathway. This document had also been reviewed by the Renal Association - Clinical Affairs Board, who support and endorse these best practice recommendations.


New research published by the SDO programme (27th January 2010)
The reports of five projects funded by the National Institute for Health Research Service Delivery and Organisation (NIHR SDO) programme have been published:
  • The REFER Project - Realist Effective Facilitation of Elective Referral: an assessment of the current use of referral tools for referral from primary to secondary care for elective surgical assessment & design of new tools
  • In-patient alternatives to traditional in-patient care
  • Mobility of health professionals in Europe (PROFMOBILITY) - UK case study
  • The role and effectiveness of public-Private partnerships (NHS LIFT) in the development of enhanced primary care premises and services
  • Synthesis and conceptual analysis of the SDO programme's research on continuity of care


A smokefree future: a comprehensive tobacco control strategy for England (1st February 2010)
This new tobacco control strategy for England establishes a vision of eradicating tobacco harms and creating a smokefree future, so that we can support people to live healthier and longer lives. The strategy follows on from a successful public consultation in 2008 on the future of tobacco control, which drew nearly 100,000 individual responses.

To deliver this vision, the strategy sets out three overarching objectives to make significant progress towards a smokefree society:
  1. To stop the inflow of young people recruited as smokers.
  2. To motivate and assist every smoker to quit.
  3. To protect families and communities.


Alcohol-related deaths in the United Kingdom - 2008 (28th January 2010)

Suicides in the United Kingdom - 2008 (28th January 2010)

Drinking: adults' behaviour and knowledge - 2009 report (28th January 2010)

General Lifestyle Survey - Smoking & Drinking Report 2008 (28th January 2010)

General Lifestyle Survey - 2008 Report (28th January 2010)

Violence at Work - 2007/08 and 2008/2009 findings (21st January 2010)

Smokefree Legislation Compliance data, July-December 2009 (4th February 2010)
Technical Annex Report


Children's community equipment: proposals for funding and DH workshop (2nd February 2010)
This letter invites each strategic health authority to submit proposals for funding for innovative activities within and across PCTs to help achieve transformation of children’s community equipment and related services, taking account of the findings of a recent consultant’s report.
Letter and Report


SYSTEMATIC REVIEW: Antiepileptic drugs for the primary and secondary prevention of seizures after stroke (20th January 2009)
Seizures after stroke are an important clinical problem, and they may be associated with poor outcome. The aim of this review was to assess the effects of antiepileptic drugs for the primary and secondary prevention of seizures after stroke. Currently, there is insufficient evidence to support the routine use of antiepileptic drugs for the primary or secondary prevention of seizures after stroke.
Systematic Review

Department of Health: Progress in improving stroke care (3rd February 2010)
Amyas Morse, Head of the National Audit Office, says "Care for people who have had a stroke has significantly improved since we reported in 2005. The publication and early implementation of the stroke strategy have begun to make a real difference and have helped to put in place the right mechanisms to bring about these improvements. There is still work to be done though: the poorer performers must be dragged up to the same standard as the best, so that the gains that have been made are sustained and value for money improved further. The Department should focus on ensuring that health, social care and employment services are working together much more effectively."


A picture worth millions. State of the young people's workforce (29th January 2010)
LMW Research Ltd. were commissioned to carry out the 2009 State of the Young People's Workforce Report. This report evaluates the current young people's workforce as at August 2008 and maps changes over the next three years.