4 February 2010


Charging arrangements for residential social care: consultation on issues concerning the current charging arrangements for residential social care (29th January 2010)
The Department of Health began a 12 Week consultation on 29 January 2010 concerning the charging arrangements for residential social care. Views are sought on proposed amendments to the residential charging arrangements suggested by a stakeholder group. The consultation will close on 23 April 2010.

Sex and Relationships Education Guidance (25th January 2010)
The purpose of this consultation is to gather views on the draft document, Sex and Relationships Education Guidance. This document provides guidance to maintained primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units (PRUs) in England on all matters relating to SRE, including how good quality SRE can be planned and delivered, how to develop an SRE policy and how to support the health and social needs of all pupils with regard to sex and relationships. It is relevant to all staff, particularly senior managers and those responsible for co-ordinating, teaching and supporting the delivery of SRE. Headteachers and governing bodies are required by law to have regard to the guidance.

Closing date for comments is 19th April 2010

Support for All: Families and Relationships Green Paper (20th January 2010)
This Green Paper sets out a wide range of measures to support all families as they bring up their children and to help families cope with times of stress and difficulty. The proposals recognise that while all families need some help, there are families in our society with complex needs and others who require additional - and sometimes non-negotiable - support.

Closing date for comments is 21st April 2010.

Assessments of quality in 2010/11. Our proposals for the assessment of commissioners and providers of health and adult social care(2nd February 2010)
This consultation, from the Care Quality Commission, looks at their proposals for assessing quality in 2010-11 and beyond. The consultation details how they propose to assess the quality of:
  • Councils as commissioners
  • PCTs as commissioners
  • NHS trusts and PCTs as providers
  • Adult social care organisations as providers
Closing date for comments is 27th April 2010.

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