12 November 2008


Putting People First - the whole story (24th October 2008)
Putting People First sets out the shared aims and values which will guide the transformation of social care. This document, in plain English, describes at a practical level the kind of society which successful transformation might bring.

Cutting the cake fairly (22nd October 2008)
This report, from the Commission for Social Care Inspection, reviews how people are assess for publicly funded social care. The report finds that the current system for assessing whether a person is eligible for publicly funded social care is flawed. They recommend that the following changes should be made immediately: everyone should have an assessment of their support needs. This should include information and advice to help them make the right choices; Government should decide on new eligibility criteria which relate to the urgency of a person’s situation; and Government should ensure there is a consistent approach across the country.
Easy-read Summary
Large print Summary

Government response to Cutting the cake fairly: CSCI review of eligibility criteria for social care (22nd October 2008)
Response to the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) review of the Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) framework, introduced in 2003 to address inconsistencies across the country about who gets support and to provide a more transparent system.
Government response

How councils have assessed their progress in delivering services to adults needing social care (October 2008)
The self-assessment survey (SAS) report contains the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) feedback to councils about overall trends in performance and delivery, based on councils’ self-assessment statements for 2007-08.

Safeguarding adults (4th November 2008)
This study focuses on what arrangements are in place across England to protect adults from abuse. This Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) report finds that the current arrangements for safeguarding adults are inconsistent.
Full Report
Easy-read summary
Large print summary

SCIE Report 20: Personalisation: a rough guide (October 2008)
This guide aims to tell the story so far about the personalisation of adult social care services. It is intended to set out the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) current understanding of personalisation at a very early stage of implementation, exploring what personalisation is, where the idea came from and placing the transformation of adult social care in the wider public service reform agenda.

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