22 December 2008


What are the Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards? (15th December 2008)
This leaflet provides a brief general introduction to the MCA DOLS and has been specifically designed for care homes and hospitals to help staff understand what the MCA DOLS will mean for them and for their service users.

Independent mental health advocates (19th December 2008)

From April 2009, statutory access to an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) will be available to patients subject to certain aspects of the Mental Health Act 1983. IMHAs are an important new safeguard that will help and support patients to understand and exercise their legal rights. IMHAs will be available to most detained patients as well as patients on supervised community treatment or guardianship. Other patients whose treatment is subject to the special safeguards provided by the Act, will also be eligible for the services of IMHAs.

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