Protection of pregnant patients during diagnostic medical exposures to ionising radiation RCE9 (31st March 2009)
This guidance, published by the Health Protection Agency, The Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers, recommends that pregnant women should not be given ionising radiation examinations in which the foetus receives a dose of more than a few milligrays as there is a small increased risk of causing childhood cancer. If examinations are clinically justified then although there is still the small risk of childhood cancer a termination of pregnancy would not be necessary.
This guidance, published by the Health Protection Agency, The Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers, recommends that pregnant women should not be given ionising radiation examinations in which the foetus receives a dose of more than a few milligrays as there is a small increased risk of causing childhood cancer. If examinations are clinically justified then although there is still the small risk of childhood cancer a termination of pregnancy would not be necessary.
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