9 December 2009


World Class Commissioning for the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities (25th November 2009)
Recent inquiries have demonstrated the health inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities; and the reasonable adjustments needed to overcome them. This is a practical guide to support commissioners to meet the needs of this group, and ensure they are fulfilling their duty to promote equality.

The Commissioning Friend for Mental Health Services. A guide for health and social care commissioners (2nd December 2009)
This guide, published by Commissioning Support for London and the National Mental Health Development Unit, covers mental health services across England and will act as a useful reference tool on key issues to support commissioners to carry out their day to day work.

How to use NICE guidance to commission high quality services (3rd December 2009)
A new guide has been launched at the NICE conference which explains how NICE guidance supports the commissioning of high quality services and describes how the guidance can be used throughout the commissioning cycle.

Commissioning for quality (2nd December 2009)
Primary care trusts (PCTs) have two key roles as commissioners: to drive up the quality of care as advocates for patients; and to drive efficiency and productivity as custodians for the taxpayer.

The NHS Confederations recent discussion paper, Commissioning in a cold climate, considered what commissioners need to do to prepare their health economies for the financial challenges now facing the NHS.

This paper focuses on commissioners' other key role: acting on behalf of the populations they serve to ensure local healthcare services are safe, effective and accessible and that quality of care in and patients’ experience of the NHS continues to improve.

A commissioner's guide to service user involvement in the re-commissioning of day and vocational services for people with mental health conditions (1st December 2009)
This is a concise guide for health and social care commissioners on how to involve people with direct experience of using mental health services in the re-commissioning of day and vocational services. It is based on the experiences of commissioners and service users who collaborated on re-designing and modernising local services.

Resources to support commissioners of services for women and girls who are victims of violence (December 2009)
NHS Primary Care Commissioning have a new web page to support commissioners of services for women and girls who are victims of violence.

PBC Connection - what's new (26th November 2009)
New resources, including Commissioning for COPD, have been added to the PBC Connection website to aid commissioners.

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